How the pilot met the bird

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3rd POV

It's been nine months after the fall of union the other countries declared war on altas seeing the once great advanced city as a threat. This gave better opportunities for the militia for partnerships between other countries for resources and a bigger army. As for our MC right now he's on stand down in his home city after fending off a atlas attack in Russia. It was morning and was trying to get some extra hours of shut eye as he's been running some night ops getting little to no sleep for the nine months. Trying being the key word cause Y/N's door swung open as two little demons jumped him trying to waking him up.

Uzuki: wake up breakfast.

Satsuki: Fast.

They said but Y/N just rolled over like nothing happened.

Uzuki: Wake up wake up.

Satsuki: Up.

They said shaking him but got nothing. Then Raven entered the room seeing the twins failing at there task.

Raven: You are not going to succeed like that.

She said walking up to the pilots bed. A wicked idea in her head for a good laugh later.

Raven: Try this.

Raven said getting on the bed brushing her hair behind her ear as she leaned in once her face was close to his ear.

Raven: Ara ara.

She said seductively making Y/N's eyes shoot open and jump out of bed a instinct from the past experience he had with the dark haired woman.

Y/N(panicked): Whoa whoa whoa time out Raven there are kids here.

He said as the twins looked at raven.

Twins: thank you.

They said hugging the woman with a smile then ran off.

Y/N: Now I know why Yang was raised by summer.

Raven: and you saw how she turned out.

Y/N: touché.

He said turning around to get a shirt from his drawer as two arms wrapped around him.

Raven: What no good morning fun?

She asked resting her chin on his shoulder.

Y/N: We talked about this Raven what we were doing ended when I got my girlfriends. Besides you said it yourself when it started.

Y/N said as he looked back at the time he meet Raven.

Flash back


My eyes opened to the light of day my head was pounding and it looked like the room was still spinning.

Y/N: Uh my head.

I said as I tried to remember what happened last night. All I remembered thou was going to a bar with Ruby and Yang's uncle Qrow to drink and then I started to talk to this dark haired woman then the rest is a blur. I then started to look around only to notice I was in a motel room and my cloths on the floor along with another pair.

Y/N: "This can't be right I usually find myself in my room after a black out."

I thought as felt the bed move. Looking over I saw the same woman from the bar with only the sheet covering her.

Y/N: Wait if she's naked and I'm naked that means-

Woman: Yes we did it.

She said waking up as I realized I said that out loud.

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