meeting Apex

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3rd POV

It was three months since the hostage situation and Union knowing the truth. Turns out NDGO filed fake reports to frame Y/N and got expelled but karma wasn't done. word got out and the public was pissed Unions reputation was down the drain funding was cut and was being looked into. Now they are trying to find Y/N and apologize in hopes of it fixing their credibility. Right now Y/N finally got a day of training and is at game stop looking for COD ghost 2 when someone tapped his shoulder.

???: Hey Y/N

Y/N: "*sigh* why me."

He thought as he turned to see Ruby smiling at him when his titan contacted him.

APC: Pilot your heart rate is elevated are you in distress.

Y/N: "You could say that."

Ruby: Did you hear the news?

She asked excitement in her voice.

Y/N: No I'm to busy working to watch the news.

He said really wanting to get away from her.

Ruby: So you haven't heard you've been proven innocent turns out NDGO made false reports.

She said grabbing his arm.

Ruby: Come on lets get you back to Union.

She said using her semblance it would have worked if Y/N didn't plant his feet while using the magnetized soles of his boots to hold him in place.

Ruby(confused): Huh?

She said confused as to why they didn't budge.

Y/N: Ruby I moved on from Union I got a Job and a new life.

He said hoping she would take a hint.

Y/N: besides It's going to take more than an sorry to fix what they have done.

He said turning to find the game.

Ruby: But Y-

???: Their you are Y/N I've been looking everywhere for you.

They turned to see a woman with short black hair with black eye liner on.

They turned to see a woman with short black hair with black eye liner on

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She wrapped her arm around his left bicep.

???: Don't you know it's rude to keep your girlfriend waiting.

They suddenly heard a crash as Ruby had a devastated face.

Y/N(confused): You hear that.

Ruby(devastated): Yes.

???: No now lets go get some launch.

She said taking advantage of Ruby's devastation to pull Y/N away and out of the store into an ally.

Y/N(relieved): Miss I don't know how you are but th-

He didn't finish cause he saw a wingman in his face.

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