the final battle part 1

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Jack's POV

I and B.T. stood in the hanger to my right was the father of my best friend Blisk a leader of the apex predators, his second in command, and Y/N's lover Salone and the queen of the sky's Viper. To my right were Y/N's sisters Mitsuki and Yayoi pissed and ready to save their brother after them was his old friend turned lover Izumi, they were all here to save Y/N. I checked my expedition gun one more time it was a basic but effective gun to start out with for this mission. Suddenly Sarah came into view in her titan to brief us on this mission.

Sarah: Thanks to Jack Cooper we were able to locate the item codenamed arc to the city of atlas a well-fortified city. Unfortunately, this intel did not come without a price the Pilot named Y/N was captured by the last three members of atlas five.

She said my grip tightened at the thought of what they could be doing to my friend

Sarah: We have reason to believe he is being held near the arc as the altas five may not be far in case of an attack.

She said as the map zoomed in to show a building suspected of housing the three elite titan pilots.

Sarah: we can't risk wasting time if they use the arc, we could lose this war. With that in mind we are planning a frontal assault on the fortress.

The map moved to the front of the fortress.

Sarah: We'll drop in from the outside to avoid any anti-air guns in the fortress and bust threw their defenses. And carve a path straight to the arc and secure it before taking the last outpost. All countries are linking up to help with this assault so check your fire.

She finished as he hatched closed and a private channel linked to me and the six people beside me.

Sarah: Jack I want you and your team to break from the main force after we make it inside. Your mission is to save Y/N in case those bitches decide to cut and run with him.

Yayoi: They won't make it far.

Yayoi said.

Jack: Roger that we'll save him.

I said as the alarm sounded and Sarah cut the channel and spoke to all pilots.

Sarah: all right team we're here. Prepare for titan fall.

She said as the floor under us opened up and we entered free fall I looked down as we entered the atmosphere making the jets kick in to slow our descent. The jets then broke off we landed with a hard thud before I looked up to see the hell known as a battlefield after the last titan we all locked missiles and destroyed the wall for our troops. That was when hell broke loose as we charged in ground troops and tanks followed behind, I saw one an M1 abraum tank gets hit with a tone round and it exploded killing everyone inside. In return, I opened fire with a random pilot with an Ion that broke through its defenses and killed both titan and Pilot.

Pilot: Advance doesn't lose momentum.

A pilot said as we all advance the pilots lead the way breaking enemy lines. Russian forces drew the fire of an atlas titan with their AK-74s as a barely standing ronin ally phased shifted behind the atlas titan and rammed its sword threw the back killing them. But as we fought machine gun fire rained from the sky the ronin titan with the sword blew up as several more got damaged or destroyed.

Izumi: Shit they have air support!

Izumi yelled out some focused fire in the sky to take out the bullheads I did to change from my expedition to my legion and open fire with my smart core. The smart bullets tore through the bullheads but the core always runs out.

Jack: I'm out of core.

I said reloading my legion as viper spoke.

Viper: Don't worry these skies are mine.

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