Taking the city

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APC: prepare for titan fall.

I heard in my ear causing me to smile. Looking up I saw several things falling from the sky as troop transport ships landed on the roof tops. The ground shook as the pilots hit the ground sanding several feet tall striking a imposing figure on all who stand against them.

APC: Pilot I'm 12 meters from your position.

Y/N: Lets rock.

I said jumping off the building doing wall runs spotting twenty huntsmen fighting some soldiers. Bringing my pistol up twelves lines connected to twelves huntsmen heads. Pulling the trigger once my smart pistol rapidly fired the entire mag causing all huntsmen heads to explode as the last for was gunned down by milita troops. Continuing I spotted a group of three heros in training on a roof top so I jumped up there summoning my sword and armor. Sliding between a blue hair girls legs I severed both the dark haired boys legs before standing where I spun my sword around and stuck it in the blue hair girls chest pearcing her heart killing her while the dark hair kid died from blood loss.

Blond: Najire tamaki!

The blond yelled getting the attention of the three pros Aizawa Midnight and present mic so they can see my handy work.

Aizawa: Y/N what the hell are you doing?

Aizawa asked.

Y/N: Helping my militia brothers.

I said pointing my blade at them. The blond charged at me angry that I killed his friends as Aizawa called out to him.

Aizawa: Miro wait!

Aizawa said but Miro didn't listen as I swung my sword Miro phased through my sword trying to hit me with a right hook but in my armor I saw and moved faster than a normal person. Catching the fist I immediately crushed his hand before he could permeate getting a scream from him. Distracted by the pain I unsummoned my sword and plunged my clawed glove into his heart and ripped it out. Midnight ripped her clothes to try and subdue me but a titan crashed into the building causing the roof to collapse and midnight to fall trough. Aizawa was blinded by the dust and present mic was knocked off balance so I took my opportunity and charged up Ddraig.

Y/N: Dragon shot.

Ddraig: Boost!

We said shooting a fireball at the two pros burning then alive. Suddenly I got an idea of how I can improve my combat capability.

Y/N: Hey Ddraig can you upgrade a gun?

I asked holding my R201.

Ddraig: if I had a beer I'd tell you to hold it and watch this.

He said as a black light enveloped my gun. As the light dies down I saw my gun was shorter with twin barrels and a optic.

 As the light dies down I saw my gun was shorter with twin barrels and a optic

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Y/N: Oh yeah.

I said before jumping on a brute titan shooting my gun as the titan marched around the battle field blasting groups of devils hunters and hero's while I mowed down any enemy I see as APC entered the street I was on.

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