destroying atlas titans

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Ironwoods POV

Finally after several months we finally did it we built four titans now all we need is the four test subjects. Soon Ozpin walked in with team CRDL who went to look at the titans while Ozpin and I have a conversation.

Ironwood: These the best you have to offer?

Ozpin: No but their expendable.

He said as I turned to the team getting their attention.

Ironwood: Listen up you four will be testing out the new titans we made richter will be leading you on this mission.

I said as Richter walked up to them.

Richter: Ok From here on out if any of you fail I'll kill you myself.

He said shooting one of my scientist.

Richter: Understood.

The team nodded scared out of their mind.


After me, viper, and slone were a thing I noticed Yayoi and Mutsuki glare at them from time to time I probably need to ask them about it when they get home from school. Izumi also healed physically after the incident but was still healing mentally something were trying to help her with. Right now I'm in the common room with the other pilots as we were being debriefed on the next mission.

Blisk: A spy in Union told me about a atlas military base working on Titan prototypes.

I was worried as I heard the news of atlas making titans and knowing Ironwood's thirst for power.

Slone: did they tell you about how many Titans were made?

Blisk: As far as I know they said the numbers were unknown at this time.

Y/N: If I know Ironwood like I think I do he isn't going to let us destroy his new toy so he'll have a lot of fire power there.

Blisk: If there is a chance of fighting other titans we would dropping with the titans first but they have anti air defenses so getting the titans on the ground without getting it shot out of the sky will be the toughest challenge.

Jack: How about me you and Y/N go in on foot and take out the anti-air guns then drop our titans.

Y/N: It's risky if we get caught they'll not give us the privilace of a quick death.

Jack: But this could be our one shot to take out the titans before Ironwood can start to mass produce them.

Sarah: I agree with Jack on this.

Gate: Me to.

Slone: So do I.

I sigh as the deck was stacked against me.

Y/N: What time do we need boots on the ground.

Jack: At night gives us a tactical advantage.

I nodded as we left to gear up for the mission. In my room I was putting my armor on when Izumi walked in.

Izumi: Is it true you're leaving for a mission?

She asked sounding sad for some reason.

Y/N: Don't worry I'll be back.

I said putting my wingman in its holster, suddenly I felt two arms wrap around me looking I saw Izumi was hugging me head buried in my arm.

Izumi: Please come back safe.

I placed a hand on her head making her look up as I gave her a smile.

Y/N: Remember our pack we made at union. No bullet no shell no demon in hell shall-

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