effect and cause

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It took several months but Jack was back in action again and we were tasked with checking out a ruined atlas facility we separated from BT and APC investigating the inside of the facility.

BT: Pilots be careful there are strange anomalies around the facility.

BT said as we walked through the facility in a lab as we walked in the room turned from a destroyed lab to a white room with skeletons replaced with people working.

Jack: What the hell.

Y/N: Shit.

I said leveling my rifle but the room then returned back to when we first saw it. The second time Jack spoke.

Jack: What the hell just happened?

B.T.: There are time distortions through out this facility

B.T. warned us.

Y/N: Great a terrible time travel story that will be confusing as hell.

I said as we moved along still looking around there where there were a few more shifts and when we then entered a auditorium where it shifted again turning a empty room into a full one with a guy giving a lecture on something I'll never understand. Getting a wicked idea I charged the man on stage.

Teacher: Pilot.

I didn't slow down and jumped.


He screamed shielding himself but we returned to the original room before I could hit him.

Y/N: Damn.

I said missing the punch. It didn't take long before we made it back outside seeing our titans scanning the body. Well APC was B.T. was on a elevated part and holding a lamp post like a golf club behind my titan.

APC: Strange I'm picking up traces of a Beta Titan.

APC said as B.T. reared the post back.

B.T.: I doubt that.

He said swinging the lamp post hitting APC, who leaned over to scan another body, in the ass making him face plant into the concrete.

Jack: This looks a lot like us for some reason.

Y/N: Just replace the lamp post with a pool cue.

I said as we approached.

B.T.: Pilot I found major Anderson he's in that building.

B.T. said pointing at a door that lead into the building.

B.T.: I would accompany you but I cannot fit through the door.

Jack: Lucky you.

Jack said.

APC: I agree. Lucky us.

APC said as Jack entered the building as I searched outside. As I searched I noticed a red titan that was destroyed.

Y/N: Weird a Ion class titan.

I said looking over the titan until I saw it.

I said looking over the titan until I saw it

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