the rating game and escape plan begins

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I was walking to the orc club after Rias called me there to tell me something but before I entered I reached under my shirt to feel a vest a friend gave me.

Y/N: "Lets hope this works."

I thought entering the room seeing Rias and the rest.

Y/N: Rias you called?

I asked as she approached with a sway in her hips thinking I was turned on but I couldn't care less about her hips because all I wanted to do is kill her after she killed my friend.

Rias: Yes I did you see the rating games won't allow you to play unless you are a part of a peerage.

She said as she pulled out a pawn piece.

Y/N: Ok lets get it over with.

I said as she put the piece in my chest I didn't feel a thing as the vest absorbed the pawn.

Rias: Done now we can prepare for the game.

She said as I left to train some more.

Time skip to rating game.

We assembled in the training yard where Sizchs Phenix and his peerage are.

(A/N: I haven't watched much High school DxD so I'm going to write it my way.)

Sizchs: Ok here's how were going to figure out who picks the area of the game.

She then pulled out a coin.

Sizchs: Y/N heads or tails.

She asked as she tossed the coin in the air. Calculating which side it will land on I made my decision as it made its way down.

Y/N: Heads.

I said as the coin came down and like I calculated it landed on heads.

Sizchs: Y/N, choose the battle ground.

Y/N: I choose my city (C/N) for the battle.

I said we were then teleported to (C/N) on one side me and the orc club stood on a building of a water treatment plant as tall building surrounded us.

Y/N: Convenient I must say.

I said thinking of the advantages these places will give.

Rias: Ok Y/N I-

Y/N: Kiba Akeno aisa stay back with Rias Kibe cut the water line to flood the streets around HQ Akeno if any of Riser peerage arrive light the bitches up like July 4th. Gasper Loup hide in the allies around HQ and ambush anyone you come across. Koneko with me were scouting ahead your speed and my Kabar rifle we can see were they are coming from. Everyone understand?

I said seeing everyone nodded.

Rias: Hey I'm the leader of this peerage.

Y/N: Red head or soldier take you pick.

Peerage: Soldier.

They said as Rias had a defeated aura around her. We then split into teams Koneko and I headed to Risers base to kill the king. Using my jump kit I had no problem staying off the street while Koneko stayed on the roof. Not long I saw Riser on top of a building I assumed was his HQ.

Y/N: Koneko I got eyes on Riser I'm going for it..

I told her.

Koneko: Ok send me a location and I'll be there.

She said as I ran ahead with a smirk as everything was going as planed.

Kiba's POV

Kiba: Madam president are you sure it's a wise idea to have a person with questionable loyalty to be in you peerage?

I asked Rias as I didn't trust Y/N as he not only turned Issei against us but might be filling Rias head with questionable thoughts. Suddenly I felt great dread as I looked at Rias who was pissed and charging a orb of destruction.

Kiba(worried): "Maybe that was a personal question that shouldn't be asked."

Rias(pissed): You dare question my lovers loyalty to me I should kill you just for thinking that!

She said aiming the orb of destruction at me Scared I kneeled down and began to plead for my life.

Kiba: Please president spare me I was just conce-AHHHHHH!

I didn't finish as sudden burning pain hit me as I saw a bright light then darkness.

3rd POV

In Rias base stood a pissed Rias and a shaken Akeno who just witnessed Kibas death.

Akeno(scared): R-Rias what the hell?

Akeno asked.

Rias(yandere): If you have a problem with how I deal with insubordination then you will find yourself in the same boat for talking about my Y/N.

She said in a cold tone scaring Akeno even more.

Akeno(scared): "Dear god Y/N what have you made Rias become."

In hell satan was reading his paper when he heard Akeno use gods name then saw why.

Satan: I'll allow it.


Entering the building I lead the way with my smart pistol.

Sizchs: rias knight has retired.

I heard Sizchs say.

Y/N: Did Riser actually send out a few people.

I said before hearing a crashing sound. Turning I saw koneko standing there.

Koneko: You find him?

Riser: I'm right here.

Riser said coming out of the shadows. Koneko got into a fighting stance ready to attack as I aimed my gun at him. Turning my arm I shot Koneko retiring her.

Sizchs: Rias Rook had retired.

Y/N: That vest you gave me worked.

I said tossing him the vest he gave me.

(A/N: I also made Riser a nicer person in this AU)

Y/N: is your peerage ready to go?

I added.

Riser: Yes they are along with the spell.

Y/N: then cast it.

I said activating the beacon while Riser contacted his peerage.

PA: we have a unidentified fleet in Union air space all heros devils and huntsmen are to engage the enemy.

A PA system said meaning the militia is here.

Y/N: there here lets move.

I said heading to the roof to meet up with his peerage and escape. On the roof I ushered Riser and his peerage onto a transport but I didn't get on.

Riser: Y/N what are you doing.

Y/N: Go I still got a score to settle.

I said as mt titans voice reached my ears.

APC: Prepareing for titan fall.

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