a day with the girls

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3rd POV

After the police searched the Yagi resident they found evidence that Izumi wasn't the traitor hitting the students hard and now want her back at Union. News of Isseis death spread like wildfire the ones that killed him claimed that the white fang were to blame but Y/N new otherwise he took the death hard knowing that he lost two friends in less than a week. He poured more and more time into training sometimes skipping meals and sleep concerning his family and team.

Mitsuki: I'm worried about Y/N he's pouring to much time into training.

Viper: I agree but what do you expect he lost two friends in two days and another one was nearly beat to death. I find it hard to coup with that to.

Yayoi(frustrated): I'm going to get him he can't just avoid us.

She said stomping off to the training room. Opening the door she saw Y/N shirtless punching a punching bag. Blood shot from Yayoi's nose at the sight in front of her catching Y/N attention.

Y/N: Yayoi what are you doing here?

He asked getting no response he then walked up to her snapping his fingers getting her out of her trance so she could speak be it with a blush.

Yayoi: Y/N You need to slow down everyone is worrying about you.

Y/N: I'm fine.

He said as Yayoi noticed the bags under his eyes.

Yayoi: Y/N when was the last time you slept?

She asked, Y/N didn't respond he did this every time he had an answer they would be mad about. Yayoi seeing that he didn't answer the question pinched his ear and dragged him into the common room. You can imagine the look on everyones face when they saw it though. Just for size comparison Yayoi is 5'9" (don't know her actual height so I'm going with 5'9") and Y/N is 6'2" so you can imagine the look when Yayoi walked in dragging Y/N by the ear. In the common room Yayoi set Y/N on the couch by Mitsuki they then made sure he didn't run by sitting on his lap making him blush in embarrassment.

Blisk: Now that you can't run off why are you avoiding us recently?

Y/N: I'm not avoiding you its just I lost two friends and I could do nothing about it and it makes me fill weak knowing I couldn't help.

Sarah: Y/N you weren't there to help them no one could have predicted what happened to Izuku and Issei would happen.

Y/N: But the signs were there when Issei died Rias peerage saw us hell they probably tried to drug me with the drink they ordered us.

Ddraig then formed on my arm.

Ddraig: Y/N don't be to hard on yourself I lost several users and I couldn't help but feel like the common denominator and everyday I wondered what if. But then I realized people all have a time to go so don't mourn the dead instead let the time you had with them help you move forward. We all think about what if but if you spend to much time on the could have done you'll miss what you can do for the ones still here.

Jack: I agree with ddraig the ones who gone on are who we fight for so the future generation doesn't have to suffer the way we did.

Yayoi: And besides you still have all of us.

Mutsuki: And you can't get rid of us easily.

his sisters said hugging him. Suddenly Blisk had an idea to cheer up his son.

Blisk: Slone Viper what are your plans today?

Slone: Nothing much just go to that new arcade that opened up yesterday. Why?

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