back home and a harem

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After taking the city the militia set up base to have a foot hole in this world. The militia troops started to set up defenses as I went around the city arriving at my old home I lived in before me and the family moved to union. Entering the home I saw it was empty like no one lived there for a while as the memories flooded my mind as I could see the house the way it was before I left as I could see a child me playing tag with my sisters. Shaking out of the memory I went and got some cleaning supplies from a store and started to clean.

Time skip

After cleaning the house I set the supplies away I heard a knock at the door.

Y/N: Who the hell is that?

I asked myself while opening the door R45 at the ready. Yes I know the militia took the city but that doesn't mean its safe. Opening the door I felt four people crash into me knocking me half way across the room.

Y/N(pain): Bloody hell!

I said after the impact with the floor. Looking at the source of the attack I saw my sister hugging me with tears in their eyes.

Yayoi: You moron why did you have to go on that mission.

Mutsuki: what were you thinking going on your own.

Uzuki: Oni-chan did those meanies hurt you when they captured you?

Satsuki: You?

They said almost at the same time. In response I hugged them back to calm them down which took an hour at least. After the four siblings three more hit me sending me back to the ground. Looking up again I saw Izumi and my two girlfriends Slone and Viper.

Slone: are you ok.

Viper: They didn't do anything to you did they?

Y/N: Girls I'm fine I promise.

I said.

Slone: Good that's a relief now I can do this.

She said before hitting me over the head repeatedly.

Slone: Baka baka baka baka. What the hell possessed you to go solo?

She said as I tried to bloke the attack until Izumi and Viper pulled her off.

Y/N: I'm sorry it was suppose to be a simple assassination mission but it went fubar. I didn't know the contact was a spy.

I said rubbing my head while the rest of my team and family walked in.

Jack: So Y/N how was union. Anything interesting happened?

Blisk: Yeah like meet some psycho lovers?

The asked as I paled if the girls knew I would be a dead man. Unfortunately, I was quite for to long and my sister grabbed my shirt and started to shake me.

Yayoi: Ok Y/N what in the hell did they do to you?

Y/N: Please stop shaking me and I'll tell you.

I said as she let go and I got my bearings.

Slone: Ok what happened?

Y/N: I may have had to keep five yanderes from killing me and unlock a new form in ddraig.

I said as ddraig appeared on my hand.

Ddraig: He also may have had things done to him by rias while he was out. Not to mention the Psycho chicks also been kissing him and I think Blake bit him.

Y/N: Dude

The girls: I'm going to kill those bitches!

They screamed about to run out.

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