"My future will not include framing an innocent woman," (24)

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"Cut the shit... you're Tom, aren't you?"

PJ gave her a little smile. "Why would you think so?"

"Because I'm having a hard time trusting people these days,"

"Do you really think I'm Tom?" He looked into her eyes.

They had a stare down for a good minute before Amira shook her head. "You're not him... I'm sorry for accusing you,"

"I understand your concerns... but trust me, Amira. I really am on your side. Like I said, I can fulfill the promises he couldn't make. Like protecting you is one of them,"

Amira chuckled. "Everyone wants to protect me, it seems."

PJ thought back to the conversation she had with Kai. "You have to open up and accept that people care about you. Some more than others..."

She nodded slowly... thinking back to the only other person she had opened up to emotionally. Despite his betrayal, she hoped Nathan was healthy and doing well — wherever he was.


Nathan had to look both ways along the street before opening the door to the safe house. Despite having two agents murdered here, they had made it look like nothing happened. He cursed aloud while walking through the newly cleaned house.

"Fuck, we're too late. They already cleaned this place up."

"Well let's follow her footsteps then. At least we knew she was here. Where would go from here after killing the agents?" Josie looked around the house as well.

"For fucks sake man, she didn't kill those agents."

"How well do you even know her?"

"Well enough to know that it was hard for her to kill her scheming, criminal mastermind of an ex-boyfriend in self defense— much less killing two FBI agents unprovoked."

Josie stayed quiet. He seemed adamant that this woman wasn't a killer... but Josie knew he was blinded by love. She would help him to apprehend her and then maybe she would get promoted... and Nathan would forget about this woman and look at her instead.

"What's around this area?" He asked while taking out his phone to look on maps. Once he saw that PJs club was nearby, Nathan knew for sure that she was there with him— probably kidnapped too.

"A few pubs and that one club—"

"I know where she is. Come on," he walked right passed her but this time he didn't hold her hand. For some reason that made her sad.


Pacing back and forth, Brynne couldn't even think about anything else other than what Micah must be going through. She had explained the situation to her father... and even though he was reluctant to help, he still went down to the station with Jack to sort things out.

Brynne hated feeling like she was useless. She wished there was some way she could make this all better but she just can't. The only thing she could do was leave it up to her father and Jack — and pray that whoever did this would get the karma they deserved.

Speaking of which, she thought as her mind ran back on Jordan. He had something to do with this, Brynne was sure of it. Someway, somehow, she was sure.

But what can I do? She paced even faster now. Soon, there would be a track mark on her fathers carpet.

An idea sparked in her mind just then and she ran over to the computer. Into the search engine, she typed Hans&Olsen shareholders. More than likely the old shareholders would still be public knowledge and if there was a way she could contact them... maybe she could find out who orchestrated this whole thing.

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