"I'll bring you down," (26)

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Marcus Bryer was literally walking in circles until his friend and partner on the case, Archie, had to stop him. They had replayed the scene over and over again and Marcus couldn't find anything different. He only knew that they escaped from an assassin and ran into the streets in the night. They could be anywhere by now and there was definitely a lot of houses nearby they could have asked for help.

It made no sense to Marcus to knock and ask all of them. Both he and Archie stood outside of the safe house; trying to map out where the killer could have gone and where the couple went.

Archie's phone rang just then and he stepped away to answer it. Marcus was grateful since the conversation could have broken his concentration. He looked down the street and something caught his eye. Walking towards the curb, he saw that the wall had a scratch on it.

Before his team could fully search the area, his boss had told him to shut it down so they didn't get a chance to go further than the house. Marcus was now sure that the couple went this way— nearly escaping a bullet to the head. The killer would have chased them until they entered a more public space.

That information gave him nothing on the killer but it did however give him some direction to find the couple.

Archie walked up to him by the curb. "I've got news. Some rookie detective called in that she found the killer. She's over by club Amnesia,"

"That's perfect," Marcus looked down the street. The club was literally a few streets over from where they were.

Five minutes later, Marcus and Archie stood outside of the club and waited for the detective. Officially, Marcus was off the case but since they didn't assign anybody else to it, he still felt responsible for it.

"Agent Bryer, agent Wilson; it's so good to meet you," Josie said once they approached her. "I've heard so many good stories about your career,"

"Thank you," Marcus smiled quickly before getting to the point, "you said the killer was here?"

"Yes, she ran off with another man. Detective Hwang chased after them but I'm afraid he may have been kidnapped by them... or worse,"

Marcus' eyebrows furrowed. Something about that didn't sound right. "You're saying the killer was a woman and a man?"

"Yes, they're both American,"

"I think you've gotten it wrong," Archie commented. "That couple was under our protection. Who told you the woman was the killer?"

"Well, I... I'm sure I heard it somewhere..."

"Detective, it's better you tell the truth," Marcus advised her.

Josie looked between the agents and conceded. After all, they were her superiors and could tell when she was lying. "I saw in the database. There's a file on her and it said she killed two agents. They'll be releasing a statement later today. She'll be a wanted woman all over London."

"For fucks sake," Marcus cursed and pulled out his phone. When his boss had mentioned an announcement, he never expected that they were just going to cover this up by blaming an innocent woman.

"Listen closely, rookie." Archie said to her. "This is a serious issue. That woman is crucial in this investigation. She's not the killer but there is one out there so you'd do well to keep that mouth shut, got it?" Archie gave it to her harshly.

He knew she was a rookie but this was also a sensitive case. He couldn't have her going around telling everyone Amira was the killer— especially since there was something brewing within their ranks. He looked over at Marcus then and saw him arguing on the phone.

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