Two Worlds, One Encounter

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Since ancient times, demons had appeared to the world only to kill humanity and multiply within the earth. While their primary source is human, they contain undeniable powers beyond any human could comprehend. However, there are certain people in charge of protecting them at all cost. They are known as Demon slayers.

I was a young Hashira back in the day. Learning how to fight strong demons beyond my training, protecting civilians at all cost, and even providing hope for the next generation with a smile. However, unlike the Hashira I became today, I had doubts of why I fought in the first place. I learned about it one fateful night as I enjoyed some tasty treats near a Ramen shop.

"Tasty!" I chanted in each bite.

No matter how delicious it was, I knew the answer right away.

"Tasty!" I repeated.

Just then, two of my fellow young Hashira members joined in: Giyu Tomiyoka and Shinobu.

"Hey Rengoku." greeted Shinobu, "how's the Ramen?"
"Tasty!" I answered with the bowl placed down on the table.
"Oh my, how many did you eat?"
"Hm? Maybe three?"
"You overdid it with ten, Ren." Giyu remarked as he pointed towards the pile of bowls placed on the side.
"I did? Well, I guess you're right." I chuckled with a smile.
"Now, don't be rude, Giyu!" Shinobu said. "He often forgets to count when food's in his mouth."

The two sat down and ordered food for themselves. We quite enjoy talking about our adventures and encounters along the way. However, there was something that bothered me so I couldn't dream of saying it to them.

"What about you, Rengoku?" Shinobu asked curiously, "what adventures did you encounter on your journey?"
"There were simply the same as before, Shinobu."
"Oh, come on. No new acquaintances?"
"Not one. I focus more on hunting down demons and helping civilians in peace."
"Pft. You're no fun. You'll end up Giyu if you keep it up."
"What's that suppose to mean?" Giyu inquired.
"Is just that: you don't make friends really easy." Shinobu explained.
"My goal is to destroy demons. We can never coexist with them."
"You seem to understand little that is offered to the world, my friend." I replied triumphantly, "but worry not. For if I encounter an acquaintance, you two will be the first to know."
"That's good to hear."

What I failed to realized then was my wish would be granted sooner than expected. Just when the bowls hit the tables, a loud scream was heard from the town square.

"Someone was attacked!" a person cried, "and they're bleeding fast!"

Without hesitation, the three left, after paying the meal and went towards the scene of the crime. Just when we arrived, there were two demons preparing to devour a human being.

"What a tragic night we three shall face!" I announced a the two demons glanced, "for we shall defeat you and grant your rights to rest."

At that moment, the two went towards us to strike a each of us split ways. Giyu and Shinobu fought the demons as I went to the person in question. Suddenly, when I was just about to reach them, a creature blocked my path and took the body away.

"Oh, I think not!" I declared as I ran towards the mysterious being.

I ran and ran until I reached towards the river by the bridge. Without hesitation, I grasped the rim of my sword and started to weild. However, the presence I felt from this stranger was odd. I never felt before. For just a moment, I stood on the side, hiding in the shadows, just to see who this being is.

"Oh no. This person is bleeding badly," the person responds quietly, "I must find a way to stop the bleeding. This poor soul doesn't deserve to be a monster who lives their life in this nightmare for all eternity."

Just then, a bright light like the full moon engulfed the two together. Thinking they were exterminating the human once and for all, I quickly ran and pulled the human away from the being.

"How dare you do this to an innocent soul!" I yelled. "They did nothing to you."

Expecting an explanation, the being stood up and walked towards the person in question.

"Did you not hear what I said?!"

No response came as they knelt towards the person, seeing the bleeding stopped and the mark is gone. With fast reflexes, I sheathed my sword and placed it towards the neck.

"Must you be so violent with the sword, good sir?" the being spoke. "I merely spared a soul from certain doom."
"A being who hides behind a cape believes in sparing a soul who was once devoured by a demon?"
"If you do not believe it so, then look."

I looked downward, only to realize they were telling the truth. Sure enough, the person in question had recovered and remained unharmed.

"They're alive? What sort of magic do you contain, young-"

As my eyes tried to return towards the hooded figure, the being in question disappeared into the night.

"Where have they gone to?" I thought quietly, "I personally want to thank them but I know not who they were."
"Rengoku!" Shinobu called out to me, "where are you?"
"I'm here with the person in question." I answered.

At that moment, both Giyu and Shinobu reached my destination. They saw the person alive and well.

"I don't understand." Shinobu stated in such confusion, "this person was bitten by a demon, yet their body remains unchanged. How is that possible?"
"I cannot say." I replied with such remark, "but fate has granted this person another chance at life."

It was a response I could give to them for I couldn't comprehend either. The hooded figure. The bright light. Who could they be?

*Reader's POV*

As the three demon slayers glanced towards the injured person, I stood in the shadows, seeing them content as before. Removing the cloak that is from my head, the moon reflected my blood stained starlight tattoo etched on the left side of my pale skin. Knowing what I did was unforgivable, I held some vial essence of blood in my hand, to ensure the task was done.

"Y/N!" a demon quietly yelled, "the Master never allowed you to leave your room! Why are you out here in the dead of night?!"
"I'm sorry." I apologized, "I wanted to see what it is like in the outside world."
"No! The Master insists on you staying there and never going out! He treasures you more than anyone."
"No. He's possessive of my gift, that's what it is!" I protested, "even if it was for brotherly passion, I shouldn't stand to be there no more!"
"Enough! Now, let's return home where we belong!"

In an instant, the demon had disappeared, leaving me all alone. Just before I left as well, I looked back one last time to see the person in question: Rengoku.

"Until we meet again, Hashira Rengoku." I replied as I disappeared under the night sky.

When I returned to my home, my brother, ruler of all demons, came and struck me towards the face.

"How dare you leave without my permission!" He yelled.
"Be still, brother," I assured, "no Slayer struck me dead, for you see, I brought you a gift."

I handed the vial from my pocket, showing him the blood of a marechi.

"A rare gift for a brother who rules them all."

He looks at the vial and back towards me. With a snarl, he turned and walked away.

"Return to your room at once! I'll call for you when you are ready."

He then left, leaving me all alone in a lonesome realm.

"As you wish, Muzan Kibutsuji."

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