Cold Warm Heart

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Days passed after my father let them stay, I tried my best to get close to them more and more, but no matter how hard I tried, they always seem to push me away.

Did I do something wrong?
Did I confess too early?
Am I moving too fast?

One night, as I went to check up on them, I noticed my brother had just exit their room for recovery.

"Young Senjuro," I declared lightly, "how are they doing?"
"They seem to heal faster, but what's odd is their hunger."
"What do you mean?"
"I thought demons eat blood because of the nutrients we have for them?"
"Not exactly. They eat more human flesh than blood. Why do you ask?"
"Well, when I gave them a packet of blood from animals, they wouldn't accept it and turned away. Is that normal for them?"

That information shocked me.
No demon alive has ever ignored eating before.
Eating no food was simply suicidal for them.
So why weren't they eating?
I thought about it for a moment and an idea struck in my head.

"Let me speak with them. In the meantime, bring me my favorite potatoes."
"You'll see."

As I opened the door, I noticed they weren't laying down as they were before. They were looking at the closed windows, trying to figure out where to go from here.

"You seem to be up, my love." I replied. "How are you feeling?"
"Better." they respond. "I need to go now."
"Wait. You shouldn't leave so soon. You're still a bit weak from the cold, so please, you need to rest."
"I've rested for thousands of years. Not once have I ever been this sick before. Now let me pass!"
"I will not!"

They stopped midway as they saw how desperate I was of them leaving. My hand gripping on their cold dead arms and the eyes stone cold and firm. As I saw how scared they were, I stopped midway and backed up. I didn't know what was going on with me. It's as if a demon inside my heart was becoming possessive towards them.

"I-I'm so sorry, my love. I- I don't know what came over me."

I crouched down and had my head down.
What was wrong with me?
They don't belong to me nor me to them. So why should I keep them like this?
Suddenly, I felt their soft touch placed on my back.

"I'll stay." they whispered and sat back down. "I know you were worried about my safety, but demons can heal in no time."

As they mentioned the term "demons" I had to think about the situation carefully.

"If you can heal, then why can't you devour human flesh or blood?"
"I couldn't answer you even if I tried." they answered, "Human flesh contains certain nutrients for us demons, but for some reason, it doesn't provide me anything. Even tasting animal blood makes me feel nauseous."

This information was revolutionary. If this demon can refuse to eat human blood, maybe there are others like them that may have the same issue as well.

"However," they continued, "human food somehow is the source we demons spew out as if it was the vilest thing any creature has ever consumed, but for some reason: it rejuvenates me and I'm not sure why."
"I think I can answer that."

Just then, the door knocked lightly as the smell of hot fresh piping potatoes were merging from behind. When it opened, the atmosphere started to make my body shake. It wasn't something a demon would ever feel especially if it was blood fresh from the body, but somehow it was a feeling I never expected. However, while trying not to show my impression towards it, I looked right at Rengoku, trying to figure out what he had in mind for this situation.

"I was feeling kind of hungry myself and asked Senjuro to bring me something to enjoy for the moment." Rengoku explained, "and when I was told you didn't eat, I thought we can share as long if you want."

He grabbed the chopsticks from his hand, picked up the first one, blowing the steam off and took one bite.

"TASTY!" Rengoku shouted proudly.

That word made me remember the first night he and I had dinner together.

It was the first time ever eating human food without throwing up anywhere. It was the nutrients I needed to re-cooperate, but at the same time, enough for me to last for hundreds of years. Before, when I was at the mansion, I was only given small dosage of blood trying to sustain my strength, but it started to get worse for me. Wasn't sure as to why. Even Tamayo was unsure of that reason either. But even so, my power still got strong, but my body felt so weak to the point, my brother isolated me from everyone, including Tamayo. But that night, it changed everything. I remembered how he was enjoying every bite of that ramen bowl, piling up to maybe ten to fifteen if I recalled that night. That touch of his finger when he caressed me from a noodle strand. The look of love in his eyes. While in thought, I noticed a hot piece of potato was placed in front of me.

"It would seem unfair if you didn't try, right? Go ahead."

Flustered, I quickly grabbed a bite from his chopstick and started to chew. After a couple of chews, the body in me started to recover faster. Even though my power was going weaker, it was making me feel a bit stronger.

"See? I knew it would help you recover." Rengoku smiled.

I blushed, making me grab another hot potato and placed it under my mouth. That smile of his was making me feel weak in my knees. Didn't know why, but it was a strong feeling in my chest. We then slowly ate the meal, seeing the potatoes disappear easily one by one. That was, until we got to the last potato. Both Rengoku's and my smile started to change as we both started to fight for the last piece. He fought with no sword while I with no power. We both fought until he pinned me to the ground, and the potato squished in the progress.

"Well, it looks like we won't be having potatoes then." he joked as a chuckle rose from his throat.

In the position we were under, my heart started to beat drastically. It beat even more when he looked at me straight in the eye with a serious look written all over his face. His face started to grow closer and closer as my eyes widen with surprise and my face growing redder and redder by the moment. Just as he was inches away from my lips, my brother's voice echoed in my mind.

"You are to kill the Hashira. No exceptions."

I turned away from his lips as quick as I could. Even though my heart wanted that kiss, the duties of a demon were ruining the moment. If it was for any other demon that would take that chance, they would've done it in a heartbeat. Not me. I couldn't risk it.

"Apologies." he stated, removing himself off of me. "I didn't think of your feelings first."

Wait. I thought internally. He thought I turned away from him because I didn't have feelings of him yet? Just what was he?

"I'll give you some time until you recover." He answered, leaving me alone again in the room.

As he left the room, my heart started to beat like crazy. Wait. My heart was beating?? Even though I'm a demon? Our hearts were meant to be cold, so what's going on? I had to talk to someone. I needed answers.

*** Sorry about the delay, guys. 😅 I'm currently working on all of the stories one chapter at a time. Plus, my phone cracked, so I couldn't finish each of them sooner. I'm currently trying to write with my tablet which has no internet access... So if it feels delayed, I apologize. Next chapter coming soon ***

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