Senjuro Rengoku

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I slowly started to wake up from the heat, only to notice there was something off about the location. From what I could remember: I was in the forest near a temple, preparing to attack the one I cared for, but now... I don't know where here is anymore. I must've passed out from all the heartache I had to endure. So why?

While I pondered over what happened, a small knock was heard from the side.

"I'm coming in." a small voice called from the other side of the door.

When it opened, I sat there shocked. He looked exactly like Rengoku, but smaller and had a gentle tone.

"Oh? You're awake? I'm glad." the boy replied calmly with a smile. "I did the best I could to keep your temperature down, but I think I took it a bit too far."

As he continued to apologize, all I could do at that time was stare. Not just because I couldn't trust him yet, I just wanted to know what this person was to Rengoku.

"Oh, sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Senjuro Rengoku. You've probably met my brother during his travels, huh?"

I responded with a nod.

"He's amazing, isn't he? Trying to take care of people as if they were his own."

We then both hear the sound of a loud man and pots breaking echo above us. Senjuro only sighed.

"Pardon my father," he apologized, "He's just trying to find the sake urn again."
"He drinks?" I asked.
"Unfortunately, yes. I think he's trying to forget the pain."
"Of life before my brother earned the Hashira rank. My father was one one before him, but one day, he just stopped."
"I didn't know Hashiras could stop being a Hashira."
"I thought so too, but my father did just that."

Noticing the expression he was giving, I understood the situation clearly. He must've been going through a hard time with a father who barely pays attention to his children. If that was the case, wouldn't a mother help out? Just as I was about to ask, I had to confirm with something.

"Hey, what are you-"

I reached towards Senjuro and placed my finger towards his forehead. Unsure what was happening, Senjuro sat very still.

"Blood demon art," I chanted, "Aurora Borealis."

With one move of the room, the whole place was covered with stars, moons, and memories. I then saw a woman, laying there, dead in the grave with Kyojuro and Senjuro crying on the side. Removing his forehead, the room returned as it was before. Senjuro was completely shocked. Not because of the power I revealed to him, but the fact I'm a full blooded demon.

"Wait a minute. So that're... you're a-"
"Yeah. I understand if I frighten you."

Expecting him to back away, scream, or get some kind of weapon to strike me down, he just crawled closer towards me. Unexpectedly, his hand was reaching towards my cold dead skin.

"I never seen a demon this close before."
"You... you haven't?"
"No. You're the first. C-can I?"

As I nodded in agreement, he gazed on my red star tattoo, observing my entire demon physiology. His hands were gentle, similar to Rengoku. Eyes filled with curiosity as his mind wandered. Even though my blood demon art was still active, I could see the pain he's been going through: a father, abusive and negligent to his kids and him, all alone in this home without any decent being who would be there for him. It must be difficult for him to live like this as his brother is fighting to protect people from monsters like me as a Hashira.

The door opened up so suddenly as both of us looked right towards the person in question. In fear, I knew exactly who it was at the door: it was Rengoku.

"Oh good, you're awake!" Rengoku smiled with relief. "I brought some ramen for you to taste."

Senjuro, knowing his cue to leave, grabbed the first aid kit and started to leave.

"I must go help father find his sake urn. Please excuse me."
"You're leaving already, brother?" Rengoku asked, "Why not stay awhile?"
"Sorry, but it looks like you two have much to discuss."

As soon as Senjuro left, awkwardness filled the entire room.

This was bad! I thought carefully, He's here! But why? I have to leave and fast!

Just as I was about to get up, he held on to my hand.

"Why do you leave so soon? Won't you stay and enjoy some ramen with me?"
"Kind offer, but I have to go back."
"Is it because of what you are?"

I froze.

"That lady Tamayo had told me about what you are when I found you."

I only looked down in disappointment.
He found out what I am.
Did she tell him why we were there in the first place?
Whatever the case, I couldn't lie to him any longer.

"So now what?" I asked, "do you plan to kill me since you already know what I am?"

He only looked at me as I waited for a response.

"Why should I do that if I was saving your life to begin with?"

My eyes widen in shock.

"Yes, you're a demon, but does that give me the right to slay one that is already down? Besides, you're not my target."

With one touch, he felt my forehead as my skin was becoming lukewarm.

"Looks like your fever went down. I should thank your friend, Ms. Tamayo. Without her knowledge of medicine, you wouldn't last very long."

My heart was beating so fast as he was grazing my hand ever so gently. Even though he was my enemy, I couldn't bring myself to harm him. He then looked at me with his fiery eyes as his hand cupped my cheek.

"You know," he began with a smile, "I've never met anyone like you before."

Even though I wanted to agree with him, something felt wrong within my stomach. The truth behind why I was out there in the first place would shatter him if he knew. In fear, I pushed his hand away.

"You shouldn't know me, Rengoku." I answered bitterly.
"Why not?"
"I could hurt you."
"And so could I, but I'm choosing not to."
"But I'm a monster!"
"Not to me, you're not."
"But I...I..."

I couldn't think of any other excuse to let him take the hint. But no matter how hard I try, he always answers.

"Listen," he began as he held my hands, "this may seem odd for me to say this, but..."

With one straightforward glance, he blurted out words I never thought I hear anyone else say to a demon.


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