Two Worlds, One Connection

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"What seems to be the problem here?" I asked the clerk.

I had recently just left the home of the person from the hospital and noticed someone in the marketplace who was struggling hard from the clerk as he held on to their wrist tightly.

"Oh, thank goodness you're here!" the clerk replied in a deceitful tone, "this person was trying to rob from me and tried to steal my items. I told them that they need to pay me, but they said they weren't going to. They even tried to kill me with their sword."

The clerk pointed towards the sword in question. As I examined it carefully, I suddenly noticed the item in question wasn't what I was expecting at first.

"Good sir, may I ask what kind of sword this is?"
"Why, it's the color changing katana! A genuine article of its kind."
"Would it be alright if I see the blade's color?"

I grabbed hold of this so called "color changing" katana, started unsheathing it, and realized the sword in question wasn't actually a Nichirin sword at all. It was just a regular sword with no marking whatsoever.

"And you say this is genuine?"
"Yes. One of a kind."
"Then, would it be alright if you have a look at my sword and see if it's identical?"

He handed the sword towards the clerk, and he unsheathe my sword. In such shock, he noticed the genuine marking on the sword, with the sword changing colors from a fiery red to a black sword. With such fear showing in his eyes, he looked at him and back at the sword.

"Now, if this sword in question truly is the real one, then that means my sword is fake, correct?"

He suddenly removed the person's wrist away from him and handed the sword back to him. He knew that if he wanted to remain alive, he didn't want to accuse a powerful swordsman in question.

"Next time you want to show genuine items, never force one to pay even if this one wanted to buy one or not! Do you understand? Be grateful the authorities are not here to arrest you for harassing a person in the market. Now, leave!"

Without any hesitation, he bowed apologetically towards me and the person in question and ran off with his items. I sighed in relief as I turned towards the person in question.

"Are you alright?" I asked calmly.
"Ye...yes." the person spoke.

I looked at the arms, since that was the first thing that they struggled with at first.

"That clerk really did a number on you. Please let me see it."
"No!" rejected the person. "I'm okay..."
"It would be wrong for you to walk away with a bruise like this."
"I'm fine. You don't need to help me."

I couldn't help but noticed they haven't had much love and support from anyone. Even if the injury was small, I couldn't completely ignore it without handling the situation in question.

"Please I insist. I have an ointment that can help you."

Hesitantly, the person reached out their hand towards me and allowed me to examine the damage they received.

'How odd.' I thought to myself as my hand grazed theirs. 'Their body is so cold it feels like I could shiver, but those marks are badly bruised. If I take them to the hospital, they may not help them at this point. They may shoo them away. But, if I leave them with this bruise without medical attention, it'll scar my mind till I die. I must help them as best as I can.'

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