Info about YN and Wattpad Update

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You know something? By now, I just realized one thing: I never told you guys what you are and how this story plays out at all. Which actually means I started this story without a proper introduction. If you made it this far without asking questions via comments, congratulations! If you were asking while reading this about it, don't worry. I'll help you out here.

Here's information about what you are portrayed in this story.

From what you've read already, you are the Moon Demon, selected firsthand by Muzan Kibutsuji himself within the first 500 years after his transformation. Your life story behind it will be explained throughout the later parts of the story.

Whilst you had problems with your hunger at first, Muzan tried to offer you blood and bodies of human beings, but you had a very odd response to it: you hated the taste of them. Thinking you might be defective, he let Ms Tamayo be fully responsible towards your lifestyle as an experimental rat.

Within time, you've forgotten much of your past life as a human, but you had a few memories lingering in your heart somewhere: your human name, the moments which you treasured, and what your past parents and friends look like.

Even though you had no taste for human blood and bodies, Ms Tamayo, on the other hand, tried to provide a sample of animal-related carcass to see if it helped at all. Seeing how much it improved with an increased amount of marechi, you became strong. Strong enough to equal Upper Moon 1's level.

Over time, as Muzan noticed your powers increasing, he never sent you out on any missions at all for several reasons:

1) You were considered either a danger to society/ asset he didn't want to lose.

2) If word found out of your abilities or your own powers, they may take that chance and kill you in the process.

3) He was unsure if the sun could penetrate your skin easily because of the fact you were unable to eat human blood and bodies.

And 4) He didn't want to lose his only trump card right away and wants to keep you his only toy.

The first time you went all rouge from Muzan was the same night you met Rengoku as you originally wanted to see the outside world for yourself. You were told by Ms. Tamayo stories about the outside world. It became so effective that you wanted to see it for yourself. And you know the rest from here.

If you want to know what you look like as a demon in assault form and normal form, you can check the picture up above. Now do you have blood demon arts since you've never tasted human blood in your life? Yes, you have different forms of blood demon arts: healing form, attack forms, and defensive forms. While you may only have different amounts of defense and attack, you only have two healing forms.


1) Blood Demon Art: Floral Moon Bloom
This art allows you to reverse Muzan's curse for good only if you have never tasted blood in the beginning stage. However, it can not be used again with the same person after one turn. (Hence, why Muzan is eager to keep you alive after so long of being defective: your blood demon art helps reverse the curse, but it never works on him at all.)

2) Blood Demon Art: Aurora Borealis
This blood demon art allows you to see the memories precious to the person you have contacted. It allows you to determine who they are and if they deserve salvation or death.


1) Blood Demon Art: Controlling Stars
With the exception of Muzan, your blood demon art controls any human or beast in question, whether it be by body, mind, or soul

2) Blood Demon Art: Shooting Meteors
This art allows you to create fire bullets from your fingertips, shooting them towards any target you wish.

3) Blood Demon Art: Moonlit Lullaby
Even though this is the weakest attack and can be mistaken as a defensive technique, this allows the person to sleep and interact with someone they are close to by their heart. And while this may seem similar to Enmu's Blood Demon Art, the only difference is by their powerful skills (Enmu's Art forces people to sleep, making them dream for eternity, while your Art allows them to interact with the dead/loved ones unconsciously and will awaken when the time is right.)

4) Blood Demon Art: Lunar Strike
A move that allows you to strike a moonlight sword towards your opponent, but it varies depending on the lunar phase you are placed under that moment.


1) Blood Demon Art: Crescent Moon Block
This blood demon art creates as a shield of any demon's blood demon art attack forms.

2) Blood Demon Art: Fallen Stars
This art negates any blood demon arts used during the time: burning it to a crisp. Whilst it doesn't affect the demon slayers with their Nichirin swords, it does cause the sword tips to melt easily.

3) Blood Demon Art: Portal Dimension
It may not be a defense technique used in combat, but this form allows you to travel between worlds of the infinity castle and the human world. While you still can not successfully send others that way, it is a weak power only used for your own gain.

4) Blood Demon Art: Shimmering Illusions
The art where you yourself can blind a person's cognitive thoughts or senses with illusions of yourself or others you find in their memories.

There may be more BDAs I may write about later, but there's a few available in the meantime.

Again, I apologize for not providing you with all the information in the beginning, but I wanted to leave you guys with some info for you, in case you're interested. Also, there's some announcements for you guys that aren't part of this story:

1) I am currently working on two stories at the moment: LOVƏ Cafe (A cafe AU where you hire the League of Villains as coworkers) and Till Death do We Part (A Zeref x OC story where Zeref's Death magic somehow leaves you uneffective and he doesn't understand why). It will be coming out soon.

2) LWB Audio Drama Casting Call currently was closed earlier this year, but we didn't get much assistance needed for the project to start. So, if you guys are interested and have people who love MHA/ Audio Dramas, please send them my way via Discord (which brings me to #3)

3) We have a Discord now! If interested in joining, I will be sending a link via Tiktok or Youtube. I'm not sure as of yet. There, you get to interact with me online and interact with other members who are in the fanbase. (Not sure what to call ourselves yet, but I will find a fanbase name soon enough.)

4) Speaking of Tiktok and YouTube, some of you may have recognized a project I've done (which we're currently on S3) called "Mixing Anime OPs."" Well, I have a video saved on YouTube, which will be premiering on July 15th at 8 am EST. If you are interested in watching or sharing it on your account, please join in and watch it! Love to hear what you guys think of the project!

That's all I can think of at the moment, but if there's any other info, I will let you guys know on the Wattpad Updates! Thanks for reading. And now, back to our regularly scheduled program.

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