Mysterious Murder

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While walking towards the train station that evening, my mind wandered vicariously from the scroll I read from YN. What did they mean in their letter?

"I wanted to tell you all this time, but I couldn't."
"I'm doing all I can to ensure my love for you does not come in vain."
"Please don't die on me!"

It was an unparticular set of words that didn't sound like them.

'Don't die on me?'

Were they trying to ensure my safety was needed?
Or was it a warning of an unforeseeable event?
I couldn't tell.

While thinking carefully, I noticed that the train station was drawing near. Putting this matter on the side, I prepared for the outcome of a lifetime. Wandering the streets in the city, I noticed how happy people were with each other and their families. It made me wonder more and more about YN each time. As my mind wandered, the whispers I overheard interrupted my thoughts.

"Did you hear?" a person whispered, "A person died last night?"
"Yeah," agreed the other, "I heard they were brutally attacked heavily."
"From what I've been told," the third mentioned. "They were in some sort of monster attack."
"I'm scared," feared the fourth, "I don't want to go out tonight!"

As the people continued to whisper, I couldn't help but think: was there a demon attack in the area that we never heard of? Wanting to know full well of this matter, I investigated the matter at a safe distance. Requesting for a specific demon slayer, I sent out my crow for him as part of my investigation.

After about five to six people I spoke to regarding the incident, I noticed how hungry I felt since entering the city. So, along the way, I spotted a nice local restaurant owned by a master udon chef. His noodles smelled so delicious it made my mouth water.

"Master Udon!" I called out, "I'd like a bowl!"
"Coming up!" he replied, making a first batch of his own.

As I waited for the master to finish the bowl, the demon slayer person I called for arrived.

**Full disclosure: I don't think some characters had a name in the anime, nor have I read the manga to confirm, but I'm giving OC names for the time being until verified.**

"Flame Hashira," the slayer called out, "I have arrived as you requested."
"You have made it in time, Akatsuki."
"Well, your crow said it was urgent, so I came as soon as my mission was complete."
"Here's your udon."
"Thanks, Master Udon, sir!"

Taking my first sip of the noodles in my mouth, the flavors danced within.

"TASTY!!" I yelled out excitedly while taking another bite.

Akatsuki sat across the table while examining the papers written earlier as Rengoku continued eating. Realizing this could be a possible demon attack, he stood back up suddenly.

"Rengoku-san! We need to go after them! Those monsters need to be stopped!"
"I understand, however, given the situation, we may not have the opportunity to strike something that has yet had any time to work on a pattern. We would go blind if anything were to happen."
"I see your point, but we can't just sit around and do nothing."
"Fair assessment, my good man. But the demons won't be around during daybreak. We must wait until the sun rests for the night. For now, let us gather information from the villagers for details."
"Understood sir!"


Hours passed as the two swordsmen walked throughout the city, listening to the news about this demon in question. From what they've observed so far: some say, he wanders the night, looking for lost souls. Others say, this monster randomly attacks people who tempt fate. But only a few say it is an imaginary figment that frightens little boys and girls. Whichever's the case, they'll ensure

"Something doesn't seem right, does it, Rengoku-san? I mean, people assuming demon attacks are nothing but a figment?!"
"That may be true, but still, this remains a mystery as to who may be involved in these attacks and why."

While pondering on these mysterious attacks, his crow began to caw with another mission held by his talon. Opening its scroll, he noticed a message from the Master. It had to involve a certain train where people were going missing. If that's what the Master requests of him, then so it shall be. But then, something echoed in his mind:

"Please don't die on me!"

Even though this matter was something I couldn't help but worry about, those words kept echoing in my head.

Why would they not want me to die?
Is something bad going to happen to me?
If so, then from what?

Suddenly, a sudden shrill echoed loudly in our direction. Both Akatsuki and I ran towards the screams in question, seeing if we can meet this mysterious killer in question. As we finally reached its destination, Akatsuki saw the young woman lying there wounded and unconscious for the moment. He prepared to move, but I stopped him for a moment. I sensed a demon lurking nearby. Right on cue, I spotted the three hooded figures drawing near her broken body.

"Is this her, Lady Tamayo?" one demon asked.
"Yes, but she's very weak. With all the medicine we have, I'm afraid none of our work will do."

Walking close to her, the third one with a mask started to raise their hand towards the woman. Akatsuki saw the outcome and without waiting another second, he struck towards the being in question with his Nichirin sword. Expecting him to bleed or dissolve in the cut, his eyes widen in shock as another sword blocked its attack. Since it wasn't of a Nichirin blade, the color itself was white as snow yet strong as if it was created as one.

"You're not going to kill another being in our presence, demon!" Akatsuki enraged.

The demon didn't say another word as the second demon came to him and knocked him out without injuring him.

"Yushiro," Miss Tamayo spoke up, "that was impolite of you to do such a thing."
"I'm sorry!" He apologized immediately.

She smiled at first and her expression changed when she saw a familiar being across her presence.

"Looks like we have the chance to meet again, Flame Hashira."

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