Small Changes

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Later that night, I went outside to get some fresh air. Waiting for Tamayo to appear to discuss my current condition.

Just then, I felt an odd presence coming toward me.

It wasn't anyone I barely sensed before, but I could barely recognize. I turned slightly, only to see a strange older gentleman, similar to Kyojuro, but not a replica of him.

"You're that demon my son is protecting?" He asked, unsure of my appearance right away.
"And you must be the master of this home," I answered back.

He snickered for a moment as he placed an urn bottle next to me. I looked at him and back to the urn.

"Do demons even drink?" He instigated.

I was a bit unsure of that answer and turned to look at the sky. Realizing I wasn't answering his question, he took the urn back and started to drink sake in his body.

"It's bad for you, you know," I responded.
"That. It'll taste terrible in your bloodstream."
"All the more reason to drink so you don't kill me."
"I've never killed a human. My brother wouldn't let me."
"Oh? And who is your brother?"

I was about to say his name, but I couldn't utter it out loud. Due to his blood flowing into my veins, I was unable to move my lips. He looked right at me, knowing what my answer was right away.

"You can't even say his name now, can you? Why? Are you afraid of him? Afraid that he'll kill you right away?"
"Stop it," I ordered but to no avail.
"What? I'm only asking for his name. Just tell me who it is."

It started to become intense I tried to back up, but I felt a sharp object poking my back. When I looked back for a second, it was an old Nichirin sword tied up to a bamboo pole. This man planned it all along since he was once a Hashira during his time.

"Not so tough when you're the one at the end of the blade," he growled. "Now tell me, what's his name?!"
'This was going too far,' I thought to myself, 'If this was the way he wanted me killed, then this was the wrong way to do so!'

With one stance, I prepared a blood demon art like I did with Senjuro, trying to see what his life was like. As quickly as I could, I reached toward his forehead to see what he's gone through.

"Blood demon art," I chanted, "Aurora Bo-"

He smacked my hand away and started to slice me with his knife. It cut a bit of the right hand, but blood still gushed out of that wound.

"You think your blood demon art would kill me?" He questioned as he drew closer than before, "nice try."

From the corner of my eye, I noticed Ms. Tamayo was coming near the area, seeing me in danger. As she was about to use her technique to protect me, with my body language, I told her to stand down. If he has to accept me as a demon, I need to prove to him that I'm more than just that. Right when he was about to win, the only defense I could think of was a slap in the face as hard as I could, making the knife and urn fall toward the ground floor.

"I know you're trying to end me, Lord Rengoku sir." I spoke, "But making me an enemy without talking to me isn't going to make either one of us better."

He looked at the broken urn as the remains of sake poured all over the dirt. All of that alcohol was wasted and drained from his perfectly good urn. In a full rage, he raced towards me with hatred as he prepared to strike me down for good. Unfortunately, due to his drunken stupor, he engulfed in his body, I held his arms as best as I could and placed him on the ground as gently as I could. Just then, Kyojuro had returned from his mission as he noticed the two of us fighting. As quick as he could, he ran towards us, trying to understand the situation between us.

"What's all this about?"
"I don't want this monster here at all!" his father yelled, pointing his finger toward me, "You need to leave!! RIGHT NOW!!"
"Father! That's enough!"

As he tried to soothe his father, I couldn't resist having this issue occur without answers. I used the technique right then, with both him and Kyojuro together.

"Blood Demon Art: Aurora Borealis!!"

With one move, I saw all that I could: him growing up, a woman next to him, the birth of Kyojuro, and him being the best Hashira during his time. Both he, Kyojuro, and Ms. Tamayo stared in amazement as each memory played out in front of them. Kyojuro's dad, whilst looking at his wife through the memories, stood in shock at this outcome. This wasn't a normal blood demon art that usually kills humans as he recalled. This demon art was to determine what kind of human they were before I chose to strike. He even saw how painful this was for me to use this technique as blood started to run from my eyes and nose. Ms. Tamayo, who barely saw my blood demon art in action, saw how I was willing to give up my entire existence to prove how skillful I am as a demon. As the moment started to fade, Kyojuro noticed his father slowly tearing up. He had never seen his father cry before, not even after his mother passed. But then, he heard me faint to the ground after using all that energy.

"YN!" he called out, trying to figure out my dead-like pulse.

As a small breath of air escaped my lips, Kyojuro sighed in relief.

"Thank the gods! You're still alive!" he smiled as he kissed me on the forehead.

Ms. Tamayo, who was surprised by my survival, sighed in relief. There was no need for examination if there was proof I was still surviving. Kyojuro's father, after getting up from the ground, picked up the knife and started to walk away. Rengoku noticed him leaving as I slowly started to wake up and we waited for his response.

"They can stay," he spoke, without looking back.
"But one wrong move," he warned, "And I will kill them without hesitation, understand?"
"Yes sir!"
"And you," he pointed.
"Don't ever use that trick on me again."

As he started to leave, Kyojuro held on to me tightly and yet, gently as he could. It was as if there was a sign of hope waiting for them in the future.

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