Encounters and Enemies

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**Reader's POV**

     I quickly returned to my room and laid quietly in bed just before Muzan could enter.

"Looks like they're asleep." He spoke. "Tamayo."
"Yes, my lord."
"When they awake, inform me at once. I'd like a report on her immediately."
"As you wish, sir."

     It was pure luck my brother was unable to read my thoughts, but it still wasn't enough for Ms Tamayo to believe I was passed out. Just when Muzan Kibutsuji was gone, she used her blood demon art to reveal the truth as to where I went after that night.

"I know you're awake, Y/N." Tamayo spoke. "You need to tell me what happened that night."
"I will." I answered, "until you remove your blood demon art from me. You know I don't like that."
"Very well. Give it a moment to wear it off."

     After a few moments, I looked around to see if Muzan was near the area.

"Now, please tell me what happened."
"Oh, Ms Tamayo, I had the best night of my life!"
"What do you mean, my child?"
"I met him again."
"That Hashi-"

     Ms. Tamayo covered my mouth once more to ensure I never utter a word about our enemy.

"I told you to never meet him."
"I didn't mean to. We just met by accident. Aren't you happy for me?"
"I wish I could child, but as I said, we're enemies."
"He didn't treat me as such. He treated me as a young human being for the first time in so many years. And..."

     I laid down on my futon as I stared at the ceiling, holding his cloak close to my unbeaten heart.

"It felt beautiful."

     Ms. Tamayo, coming close to my body, noticed how my responses were. It was nothing a demon has ever been before. While I daydream about Rengoku, Ms Tamayo used her cold hand to see if I was feeling well. However, one graze from her fingertips felt like a shock from her body.

"Something is wrong with your body. What did you eat?"
"I tried this thing called ramen. How have I never tasted anything that sweet?"
"You ate human food? We demons are not allowed to eat disgusting meals like them."
"And why can't we? There's no law from the demon realm that we can't eat human food and besides, I wasn't poisoned by it's effect."
"Please child. Promise me never to do that again."
"I promise. Besides, it's not like I'll get to see him again."

     I held on to his cloak and held it close to my chest. Ms. Tamayo, realizing how much that encounter had changed in one night, started to feel something strange in her chest.

'I wonder...'

** Rengoku's POV **

     As I wandered towards the Hashira's meeting place, I couldn't stop thinking about Y/N. Those beautiful eyes, that cold skin, and their calming voice...

'They seemed to be scared of something." I replied as I traveled with my crow, "It's as if they were a demon or something. Do you not agree, my furry friend?"
"Maybe they are, Rengoku-san!" my crow remarked, "It would be very foolish for them to come quietly during the night and with you."
"Whether they're a demon or not, I will not harm them."
"But Rengoku-san, is that wise? If the Hashiras know about you working alongside with a demon..."
"I know the consequence, but if they're not what you say they are, then I have nothing to worry. Besides, I sensed no harm coming from them when they were near my side. They'll be fine."
"Oh Rengoku!" called out an acquaintance of mine.

     I turned to answer the call and sure enough, it was Shinobu coming through.

"Oh my, what happened to your beautiful shaw?" she asked with such a concerned tone.
"Do not worry about it," Rengoku replied with a smile, "It'll be returned to me in due time. An acquaintance of mine has it for the moment while I have theirs."
"Acquaintance, you say?" she inquired curiously.
"Yes, their beauty shines like the moonlight sky. Quiet, yet, gentle like the wisteria flowers."
"Oh my, sis this mean you quite attached to this person?"
"I believe I am, Shinobu. They're no one I've ever met before."
"Then you must let me meet them when you see them again."
"They may not appreciate your company, I'm afraid."
"Oh? Why is that?"
"They're simply shy towards other strangers."
"Such a pity. Well, let's get to the meeting, shall we?"
"Indeed, we shall!"

     As Shinobu and I entered in the Master's mansion, the rest of the Hashiras were sitting there, waiting for the Master.

"Hello, Rengoku!" a Hashira with pink curls called out.
"Your flashy cloak has diminished, my friend!" another with blood splattered tattoo on his eye remarked.
"What a pity," a third Hashira cried as tears started to flow. "Your signature cloak you always wear is gone from existence."
"What? You try to play the victim from your last job or something, Rengoku?" the fourth from the tree concluded.
"Now, now," Shinobu called out, "you mustn't jump into conclusions, Obanai. It would be rude to say that without any explanation."
"Thank you, Shinobu." I thanked a I turned to the other Hashiras, "First off, I give good greetings to Mitsuri. I trust you are in good health. Tengen, thank you for your remark, but please do not worry: my cloak is safe and unharmed. So please, Gyomei, do not weep tears of sorrows."
"So where is it then?" a Hashira with scars implied, "stuck with some sick twisted demon?!"

     For some reason, as his words left his lips, the flames inside my heart stared to flow with rage.

"To whomever I left my cloak with should not be your concern, Sanemi," I defended, "what matters is that I have no injuries and I am well from my journey."
"But we all just want to know. Surely, you can give us that."

     It's as if Sanemi was taunting me to spill any info about Y/N. If he knew, surely he'll kill them whether they were human or demon. No human or demon should have any possession of the cloak of a Hashira, unless it is bestowed upon the Master. Before another word could utter or of my lips, the Master finally appeared in front of us. All nine of them bowed in respect as he came near.

"My children, welcome. I'm glad all of you are here and well. Let's us proceed with our meeting... about Muzan Kibutsuji and the moon demon."

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