Dinner with a Demon

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In a few seconds after we interacted, I used my sense to determine if this individual was to be trusted or not. Unfortunately, based on what I've gathered, there was no scent of deceit hidden within in their presence. However, there was a single hint of fear tingling inside their heart. Was it because of the clerk from before or something else entirely? No matter the case may be, I removed my warm cloak and placed it on them. They stopped shaking and looked towards me.

"There's nothing to be frightened of, young one." I replied.
"I'm not that young." they replied.
"My apologies, L/N-san. I was unsure as to how to address you."
"Just call me by my first name. No honorifics, please."
"Very well. I hope that the cloak is calming you down."
"It is, thank you, but wouldn't you want to keep it on?"
"What I wear will not bother me or anyone. If it makes you feel better, I will wear your cloak until fate will bring us together again."

I then removed their old cloak and placed it on my back, covering the back part of my demon slayer corporation uniform.

"How do you know if we even will meet again?" they ask.
"What do you mean?"

Just before they could explain, a low growl stated to rumble. Realizing that it was a stomach growling, their face began to blush as bright as a tomato.

"We shall deal with the details later. Right now, you must be hungry. Let's go."
"Let's not argue about this. Allow me to pay you a meal."

Without any hesitation, I pulled them close to my side and led them towards a nearby Ramen shop. Unaware of the phenomenon, a figure chuckled from the shadows.


"Welcome!" greeted the Ramen shop owner, "your usual?"
"Yes! Actually, make it two." I ordered, "My acquaintance here needs it more than me."
"Coming up!"

As the owner was out of sight, both of us sat down, waiting for the owner to return with the order. Silence was stirring between us as if we didn't know what to talk about. If it was any of the Hashiras, I would talk about anything. However, this person was a stranger. I wouldn't know what kind of conversations does one talk about. Luckily, Shinobu left me a small list of what to talk about.

"Do you live in this city?" I asked.
"This city. Do you live here?"
"You could say that. And you?"
"No. I travel a lot. But my home is in the
Komazawa Village."
"Really? I've never been there before."
"You must come with me when you have the chance. There's plenty of things to see in the daylight."

When I heard the term "daylight", it seems as though they didn't like going out in the day.

"But... there's one beautiful spot at night I like to go: there's a genuine cherry tree on top of a hill near my home. If you watch the sunset, you can see millions of stars shimmering through the night... sky..."

I couldn't help but look at their eyes as they glistened exactly like the stars. Just then, their cheeks flustered and turned aside.

"Do you not like the daylight, if it's not too much of a bother?" I asked curiously.

They looked back towards me.

"Here you go!" the owner called out as he placed down the two hot orders of ramen.
"Thank you, good friend!"
"You're welcome! Let me know how it tastes!"

As the owner leaves, I start devouring the first bowl. But when I turned next to me, I noticed their bowl remained untouched.

"What's wrong? Do you not like it?"
"No... it's not that. It's just... I don't know what it is."
"You mean, you've never heard of ramen?"

They shook their head. It was odd of them to not heard of ramen, let alone eat it. Maybe their home wouldn't let them try any of food that is not to their level.

"Well, why not try it at least? If it tastes awful to you, you don't have to continue to eat. I mean, where's the harm in that?"
"Oh. Okay."

With one grasp of the chopsticks, they picked up a strand, blew the heat away, and placed it in their mouth. After a few moments, their eyes glistened again with glee as they went to another bite.

"It seems like you're enjoying it."

They stopped midway of eating, chuckling lightly to deflect their embarrassment. While they continued to eat, I noticed a small strand of noodle dangled near their left cheek.

"Your cheek has a strand hanging. Allow me."

Unable to hear them defending the matter, I wiped the strand off with my thumb instead of a napkin. Just when the thumb made contact to their skin, their cheeks turned to a bright shade of pink. It was if they never been touched by anything before. As the strand was removed, my thumb continued to remain near the lips caressing each touch. If time stood still for a moment, that memory would be etched deep into our hearts.

"Well, how did you guys enjoy the ramen?" interrupted the owner, snapping both of us back into reality.
"It's still just as tasty as before, my friend." I responded with a smile.
"Well, that's good to hear. And what about you?"
"Well, I-"

Before they could provide any type of feedback, something felt off around them. I used my senses and noticed the sun was about to rise.

"I'm sorry..." they replied in a frighten tone. "I must go."
"Hey wait!" I called out, but they were out of sight.

Without any hesitation, I trusted my heart and followed after them without any judgement. I ran and ran until I reached towards the alleyway where we met. However, when I got there, they weren't even there at all.

'Where could they have gone?' I asked myself for a moment. 'They ran as soon as the sun was about to rise without giving that man feedback.'

Thinking of any possibilities as to why, my crow flew and came near towards my shoulder.

"You have been summoned to a Hashira Meeting. The Master requests for your assistance at once!"
"Very well. We shall leave immediately."

The crow then flew away and towards the direction necessary to my next destination. However, before I left that spot, I looked back towards the alleyway.

"Until we meet again, my friend." He quietly replied.

Little did I know, right when I was out of sight, they appeared from the shadows and looked towards my direction.

"Goodbye... Rengoku-san."

A Hashira's DemonWhere stories live. Discover now