Assign to Kill

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* Reader's POV *

Meanwhile, back at the mansion, I was called to meet with my brother. Unsure as to what he wanted, it looked like it was a very important matter to discuss.

"You summoned me, my brother?" I spoke, but his gaze frightened me to the bone.
"Did I order you to speak?"

I didn't utter another word.
I completely forgot.

I was ordered to not speak until I was given permission to speak.

"Now then," he continued, changing his demeanor, "there's a certain Hashira that needs to be destroyed and I am assigning you to kill him."

I remained silent.
A Hashira?
But who?

"He's a man where his soul burns throughout every course of his being. His eyes and passion disgust me. If he's not careful, he may be the death of us all. I want you to kill him."
"May I speak, my brother?"

With his permission, I looked up towards him.

"What is the name of the Hashira you want me to kill?"
"Kyojuro Rengoku."

Just as his name escaped his lips, my undead heart dropped.

'Why him? He's not a danger to us all. No! I can't kill him.'
"And why can't you kill him?"

Forgetting that my brother can read emotions and not my mind, I looked towards him with fear. I couldn't let him know about meeting him the other night when I was out or when I met him in the streets.

"We are demons who need to survive solely on human blood. So, explain to me: why can't you kill the Hashira?"
"He... wouldn't have the guts to... defeat someone as strong as you." I lied, "So why can't he live?"
"Are you questioning my order?"
"I'm suggesting we should... let him join our ranks?"

He looked at me with a concerned look in his eyes.

"Well..." I explained, "If you think he's a threat, then think of the possibilities: him becoming a demon. He'd follow your orders, be your right-hand demon, and protect you at all times."
"And if he refuses?"
"Then... um..."

I didn't expect him to think this far ahead. But I guess that's what makes him a leader of the demons.

"I'll handle it myself."

Glaring with such determination, he smiled.

"Very well. But to ensure you keep your word: Tamayo."

She appeared on sight according to his command.

"Keep a close eye on them. Make sure they keep their word."
"As you wish."
"Good. Now go. Your Hashira is drawing near."

He then disappeared, out of sight of the two as you both went to the door which led to Rengoku's destination. As the two stopped at a nearby temple, you suddenly fell towards the ground, trying so hard to breathe.

"Are you alright, YN?" Tamayo asked.

I shook my head. Words couldn't come out of my head. It was a terrible experience to go through: having a brother telling you to kill the only person you just met. It was to the point that my brain ended up over frying my thoughts, making me passed out. She touched the cold skin of my forehead, only to feel a touch of heat.

"This is bad. And without any blood on sight, we can't return to the mansion without completing the mission. I have to find something to help with their injuries."

Just then, she heard a crow and person walking through the temple. Trying to be sure she was unseen, Ms. Tamayo hid behind the temple and looked towards the person in question.

"Is this the place, my young friend?" the person in question asked.
"This is the one." cawed the crow. "The demon in question has been harboring humans are inside here. Caw!"

She glanced carefully as she noticed the fiery red and yellow hair on his head and a bland coat on his body.

'That must be the Hashira YN has talked about, but it looks like he's busy with his job.' Tamayo thought to herself, 'Master Kibutsuji ordered us to kill him on sight, but I can't kill him, not when YN is in this state. What should I do?'

While Ms. Tamayo started to think, Rengoku spotted a demon.

"Demon!" he called out, "come out quietly and face the consequences of your actions."

Realizing she's been spotted; she quickly fled and went towards where I was. Rengoku, seeing the chase has begun, preparing to sheathe his sword towards her. However, as he was about to use his technique, Rengoku stopped, seeing me laid on the ground, completely burning up.

"YN?" Rengoku asked, placing his sword back in place, "why are you here?"

He felt my forehead and sure enough, it was hot to the touch. My body was covered in a cold sweat, and I wasn't moving at all. Ms. Tamayo, who was a distance away from us, observed the situation at hand to determine what lies in this Hashira's heart. However, something was off from her eyes. Normally, a demon slayer would harm a demon as they were, but this one. He was different. He was concerned about me. Was it because he didn't know I was a demon? Or was it something else?

"Dear god, what's happened to you?" he asked as he placed the coat on my head.
"They're currently running a fever." Ms. Tamayo answered.

Rengoku, protective as he was, glanced towards the demon in question as he cowered over me and was keeping me safe. Ms. Tamayo slowly walked towards us and bowed.

"Please. Can you help them?"

Rengoku was speechless. He has never seen a demon bow in respect of a demon slayer and ask for help. Normally, if it was any other Hashira who saw this gesture, they would fight them brutally without any thought, but here she was a demon bowing in truce, asking for help.

"I'll do whatever I can, but not here. Crow, send a message to my brother about taking care of my friend. They need all the help they can get."
"And please," begged Tamayo, "make sure they get somewhere where no sunlight can reach them."

He repeated her order towards the crow for a moment, only to stop in the middle of the sentence. Looking right back towards Ms. Tamayo, he asked again.

"No sunlight?"
"But aren't they human? It would cause more problems if they don't get enough light?"
"Unfortunately, no. If they're exposed to sunlight, their skin may burn up and die."
"Burn up and die? What are you saying?"

Tamayo had no other choice and said.

"They're a demon."

A Hashira's DemonWhere stories live. Discover now