Friend or Foe?

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As I woke up the following morning, with no light appearing in the hallway, Rengoku stopped me in my path.

"My love!" he called out to me with a smile. "There you are. I have a request to offer you."
"A request?"
"How would you like to come with me for the evening?"
"Where would we go?" I ask.
"To the Hashira Mansion."

Mentioning the term Hashira mansion made my mind shake in fear. No demon alive has ever found this location and made it out alive before. Rengoku saw my response and held on to my hand gently.

"Fear not, my love," he vowed. "As long as we're together, no harm will ever come to you. I promise."
"You sure about that?"
"Yes. And if any Hashira ever lays a hand on you, they will deal with me first."

It at least gave me some kind of comfort. That evening, I gulped lightly as he knocked on the door loudly.

"MASTER!" He roared, "WE'VE ARRIVED!"

The door opened lightly as he prepared to move forward. However, his hand felt a tug right behind him. Rengoku then realized my expression and knew for certain: Wisteria is considered a prison to demons, so it felt like he was dragging me into my death. As comfort, he placed his Hashira cloak around my body.

"It'll be okay, my love." He reassured me as we moved inside. "I promise."

Just when we reached inside, two young girls looked right at us with their deadpan eyes.

"Welcome Master Rengoku," they greeted in unison. "We've been expecting you."
"Appreciate it," he bowed, "has the Master arrived as of yet."
"Yes," one replied. "He's expecting you in his chambers alone."
"In the meantime," the other added, "We will keep your guest entertained for a while."

It was a surprise.
His Master wanted to speak with him directly.
He seemed concerned for a moment, but I didn't want him to worry.
I squeezed his hand for a moment and smiled.

"It'll be okay, Rengoku." I said to him. "I can take care of myself."
"Are you sure?" he asked cautiously, "I'm sure the Master wouldn't mind at all if you came along."
"It's fine, Rengoku. Your Master needs you right now. I can wait."
"Oh, okay... if you insist."

He released your hand as he walked away with one of the girls.
Looking back, he waved back to you as you returned his wave with a smile.

"Now then," the other spoke, "Let me escort you to where you'll be entertained."

The other girl escorted you towards the main entrance of the courtyard, allowing you to roam about the area for a while. As she left for good, I looked around the courtyard carefully and noticed Wisteria trees flowing through the summer breeze.

"Who the hell are you?" a voice called out near my presence.

I looked up towards the branches, seeing a strange person lying on a sturdy tree branch with a snake dangled around his neck.

"I don't believe the Master has mentioned keeping demons here as pets."

I didn't utter a word towards him as he glared angrily at me.
Unsure what to say to him without having myself killed.

"Now, now, Obanai," a voice called out from behind me, "we don't need to have our guest here more anxious than ever."

Taking a step back by this sudden response, I saw another human, who was a bit shorter than I, but more intimidating.

"Oh my, was it something I said that frightened you?"

Unsure what it was, but her appearance made me feel frightened, I kept my guard up. Unfortunately, that guard was short-lived as something bodied me towards the gravel floor. As I looked up, I saw a man with facial scars.

"Looks like a demon's found the Master's home on his own." He growled as he grasped his sword in his hand.

I tried to explain my situation, but a slash towards my mouth caught me by surprise.

"No need to hear your excuses," he snapped, "your sentence is quite clear to all of us."
"Sanemi," barked the short woman, "we don't need to be hostile. There must be a reason why the Master has them here."

As she tried to calm him down, I examined the Hashiras standing around me. Two of which were staring at me with a concerned look in their eyes, while another was staring at the tree near me.

"That petal." He spoke, "What was it called again?"

"What a pity," a tall blind man cried, "A soul lost in his grasp must be dealt with immediately at all cost. They do not deserve the saving grace needed."
"I think you should give them the flashiest penalty ever, Sanemi!" shouted a man with facial tattoos on his face, similar to mine. "Make their blood spread out with style!"

They started to frighten me so much that Sanemi continued to harm me with the sword. Instead of killing me right then, he stabbed me so much that my blood was starting to splatter everywhere.

"You had your fun, Sanemi," she warned, "now let them go."
"Not until they tell us everything we need to know."

Afraid of what information they may need, I started to use what little strength I had left to use my blood demon art.

"Blood... Demon... Ar-"

Without even finishing its attack, Sanemi pushed me to the ground with his foot onto the back of my neck.

"Don't even think about it, demon!"

I never felt this much fear come close to my heart. As I prepared for the final blow, I heard a cry yell out towards us.


With all his strength, Rengoku punched him straight at his face, making him lose balance and release me from his grasp. The other Hashiras looked quite shocked as they saw him covering my body with his cloak.

"Now, someone tell me," he glared towards the Hashiras in rage, "what the hell you were doing to my beloved?!"

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