A Demon and Hashira Interact

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     Hours passed, the human in question awoke from their slumber. I went towards them, handing them a glass of water to drink.

"Wha- what happened?" the person asked.
"You passed out from drinking too much sake." I improvised.

     I knew it was a cold hearted lie, but how else would you explain to someone they were killed by a demon, but was brought back to life again? They would assume you were crazy.

"Oh, was that all? I guess I don't remember much."
"Well, you need to receive plenty of rest to recover, but for now, I must depart. Farewell."

     I walked towards the front door, getting ready to go to my next mission assignment.

"Wait!" the person called out, "what about that tattooed person?"
"Tattooed person?" I asked curiously.
"Yeah, they barely spoke to me, but they were there when I blacked out that night."

     That piqued my interest as I turned and looked behind them. If they knew what they looked like, surely they know the name of the person.

"Do you remember what their name was when you met them? Try to remember."
"Well, I only remember their red tattoo. It was a star on the left side of their face and wore some kind of dark cloak."
"I see. Well, if I do meet this stranger again, I shall let them know you are safe and well for you."
"Thank you."

     Minutes passed, both Shinobu and Giyu were standing in the main lobby, waiting for Rengoku.

"How are they?" Shinobu asked.
"They're resting right now. They'll be released this afternoon."
"That's great to hear."

     At the exact moment, Giyu turns and walks away.

"Where are you going, Giyu?" Shinobu asked.
"To my next assignment." Giyu answered as his crow perched by his shoulder, "You should be too."
"You're always working. Try to have some fun for a change."
"Unlike you, I have work to do."

     Shinobu sighed as Giyu was out of our sight.

"Very well. I guess I should be going too." Shinobu agreed. "Are you going as well?"
"Actually, I'll stay a bit longer. I need to assure that the person is safe."
"Alright, I'll see you at the next Hashira meeting."
"Until we meet again."

     Just like that, Shinobu was gone, out of my sight. I knew I had to go to my next assignment, but something was bothering my mind: just who were they?

*Reader's POV*

     Meanwhile, back at the realm, I walked to and from my room, waiting for a response back from my brother. Ever since I encountered that Hashira that night, he was constantly been in my mind. Those eyes burned deep within my heart and was warming my undead soul. Even though he and I were considered enemies, it was a new feeling I never felt before. All of a sudden, a small knock caught me off guard for a brief moment.

"May I come in?" a voice asked from the other side.

     I knew that voice anywhere. It was my mentor and best friend, Tamayo.

"Yes. Come in."

     She entered in with a concerned look in her eyes.

"Are you alright, my child?" she asked. "I heard from one of the demons you went into the outside world."
"I'm fine. I just went out at night to see the world that lies beyond the portal."
"It seems like you met something else during your journey, haven't you?"
"I have, but..."

     Before I could say any further, I looked outside the room to see if my brother wasn't around. After realizing the coast was clear, I locked the door and marked it with my scar, to ensure my brother was drawing near.

"Please don't utter a word to my brother about this."
"Do not fret, my child. I will not utter a word to the Master."

     I took a deep breath and told her of my encounter: the world out there, saving an innocent, and meeting someone I've never seen before. However, when she heard the term "Hashira" escape my lips, she covered my mouth, making sure no other demon heard it.

"My child. How are you still alive?"

     I removed her hands away from my lips to speak.

"What do you mean?"
"Hashira's are bad people. They murder all of us without reason."
"But this Hashira's-"

     She covered my mouth again. It seemed like saying the word "Hashira" was a bad word to any demon who heard it.

"But this one's different." I corrected.
"He would've killed you without a second thought..."
"But he didn't. There's just something strange about him."
"Even if you're right, there is no way to prove it without seeing it in real life."
"Then, can you take me there again?"
"Why should I? Your brother forbade you for going out, remember?"
"I know, I know, but it's not like I'm meant to remain in this portal for all eternity, am I? I'm meant to be more than just a prisoner or a possessive treasure. Please?"

     Tamayo sighed in disappointment. She knew the consequences for me to taking me out of the portal realm without permission, but with my curiosity creeping into me, she felt like I was giving her no choice whatsoever.

"Let me speak with your brother for a moment and-"
"What? No! If he knew my encounter with... with them, he'll never let me go anywhere."
"I know, but what I'm going to do is this."

     Her request was simple: she would ask my brother if I could tag along with Ms. Tamayo while she trained me to hunt for the first time. Since I know very little of killing humans and the only blood I have him was a vial of Marechi blood, it would make sense if I tasted blood from my own personal kill. While I never would accept this type of deal personally, it may be my only chance to see him again.


     After he agreed, we both were walking into the crowd of many people in town that night. Everywhere we went, the lights which shimmered from the crowd started to shine like the stars from the night sky. The people were smiling and enjoying life as it is. Even though I was covered in my cloak again, I couldn't comprehend the joy everyone was having around me.

"Now, my child," assured Tamayo, "If you intend to go out of my sight for the moment, please make sure you don't get caught by those killers."
"I'll be fine, Tamayo. Now, go do what you need to do. I'll catch up with you."

     With a smile on her face, she turned to walk towards the pharmacy nearby. I looked around the marketplace, seeing various types of items they were offering. I walked towards one to see what items they could offer for sale.

"Welcome!" the clerk greeted. "Looks to me you have a good eye on these items. Might I recommend this one here? It's a color changing katana, forged by the sun stones made from the mountains?"
"Did... did you say, sun?"
"Yes! It has been crafted very much and I can sell it to you for 15 yen."
"B-But, I don't have that much money."
"Don't be so modest." the clerk said as he reached towards my hands. "I'm sure you have something to offer me."
"I'm sorry, but I don't-"

     Not being careful, I bumped into a figure behind me. I turned around, realizing the same burning eyes as before. Looking very closely now, he had a vibrant yellow hair with fiery red highlights. He wore a cloak that was like the flames of hell with a strange sword tied to the waist and a black uniform with buttons that looks like wisteria flowers. For the first time in my life, I completely forgot what he or I was at that moment. It was just me and him.

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