The Moon Demon

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"Moon demon?" the Hashiras asked in great confusion.

The Master nodded.

"It seems as though Kibutsuji has hidden away a demon somewhere in his stronghold. They have powers unlike anything we have ever encountered. They may be as strong as him. Though we do not know what they may look like, we must act cautiously."
"Say, if we do meet this moon demon," Shinobu asks, "do we need to engage an attack right on sight?"
"Not quite. I have other plans with this demon. If sighted, then bring them to me."
"Why should we even spare it?!" asked Sanemi, "It's better to kill it on sight than spare it as a house pet!"
"That may be true, but we may not know its purpose and where the stronghold may be without them."
"Even if that were true, Master," Giyu implied, "how will we know we could trust them?"
"It'll be up to them when they do. My children, we will do what we must to defeat Muzan Kibutsuji at all costs."

     The Hashiras nodded and bowed in respect. I and the Hashiras knew the Master well. He always has a reason for just about everything. If he requires us to protect a demon, I shall obey without question. Even though I don't appreciate their nature, I must keep my peace with them. As we were dismissed from the Hashira meeting, the Master stopped me for a moment.

"Kyojuro Rengoku, I'm in need to speak to you for a moment."
"What seems to be the problem, Master?"
"Did you find the demon I asked of you when you left?"
"I'm afraid not. The demon in question was nowhere to be seen."
"I see. Keep a close eye on them. The demon you're looking for will not harm you and will know why you've come."
"Very well, Master."
"And Rengoku, give my regards to Y/N."

     After I heard their name, I turned aside. How did he-? Suddenly, a thought came through my mind: he must've met Y/N before during his time as a Hashira, but that's impossible. Y/N looked a bit younger than the Master. And if the Master knew any other people during their lifetime, she would've been a child or a baby at the time. So how would that be possible?

"Rengoku-san." a voice replied from behind.
"Oh, Shinobu."
"Are you alright there? You look like you've seen a ghost."
"There's nothing to worry about, Shinobu. I only feel upset that I was unable to fulfill the task the Master requests me to do."
"I see. Well, I must return to my establishment. You're more than welcome to join, if you like."
"Appreciate the offer, but I must continue my journey. I mustn't forget the mission the master assigned me with."
"Well, I do hope you find what you are looking for." 

     Just when I was about to walk towards my next destination, Sanemi stood on the side of the wisteria tree, waiting to speak to me. I knew him very well. Even through the final selection, Sanemi always had a temper that should never be meddled with. And though I appreciate him as a comrade, it makes my heart fill with an outstanding amount of rage I cannot unleash towards him. As best as I could, I went towards him with my normal self, trying not to let him get the better of me.

"Is there something amiss?" I asked him.
"No, not from me, at least." Sanemi responded. "What I do want to know is that cloak you're currently wearing."
"What of it?"
"It smells filthy. Like a demon."

     His words angered me. I couldn't stand him saying this like this. It was handed to me by YN themselves in order for them to feel comfortable.

"I do wonder, though. How did you lose your cloak again? You never told us how much of a filth this demon was with you."

     As I grabbed hold of the end of the sword preparing to strike, I saw Giyuu holding my arm. He knew that actions won't solve anything to solve problems, but words would.

"Watch your words carefully, Sanemi." warned Giyuu, "We may be Hashiras, but if given the chance, Rengoku could possibly harm you in a duel, even if it is taboo to both of us to fight one another without provocation."
"I have no business to fight with him. A flame Hashira against the Wind Hashira. If we were to fight, our duel would end in a stalemate. Just be careful out there, Rengoku. That's all I have to say."

     He then walked away and went towards his own estate outside the Master's mansion. Giyuu then removed his hand from my arm after Sanemi was out of our sight.

"Appreciate it, Giyuu."
"If I didn't, you would've done something you would've regret."

     I turned to look at Giyuu with a smile. I knew Giyuu all too well. Even though he doesn't speak to me that much, it does give me much closure towards him.

"Can I ask you something?"
"What is it?"
"What are your thoughts on demons?" I asked him.

     He stared towards the clouds for a moment before giving me an answer.

"I mean, we fight against them ever since, but do you ever wonder what they are?"
"They're ferocious beasts that can never be change. Even though there are few who believe they won't harm humans, there are certain humans who can never get along with them. And you?"
"What do you believe?"

     I also looked at the clouds alongside him as I tried to choose my words carefully. 

"I always know if there's good or bad people based on the aura I feel around them. So, depending on if there's good or bad demons, that only depends on how well their actions are. Even if they did eat humans in order to survive."
"You're naïve."
"I may be naïve, but we fight to protect and destroy evil. Humans or demons alike."
"We're Hashiras, Rengoku. There's no such thing as a good demon."

     With a chuckle under my breath, I turned towards my next destination, leaving Giyuu under the tree. Before I left, I left him with a small advice.

"One day, Giyuu, you'll come across one: one who'll never eat or harm a human being for that matter. And when that happens, protect them with all your heart. Will you promise me that?"

He stood there silent.

     Knowing full well, no demon will ever show any sign of humanity towards humans. But just to prove that I'm wrong, he nodded lightly as I gave him a smile.

"Well, I'm off! See you next time, my friend!"

     I walked off with my Kazukai crow next to me. Giyuu just looked right back up towards the sky, thinking about what I just told him.

"Someone who'll never eat or harm a human? That'll be something to experience."

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