Yushiro, Tamayo, and Unos

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Taking the girl to the clinic nearby, the third demon continued to use its demonic power to reverse the damages. Kyojuro, who noticed this interaction, felt like this was familiar somehow. It's as if he's seen this interaction before. As he continued to ponder, the door opened with Lady Tamayo and Yushiro entering the room.

"Your friend is resting for a moment. My apologies if Yushiro had taken things too far."
"It'll be okay. He needs to learn a lesson about how to understand demon interaction. And as of now, I think I've not met this demon before."
"I'm sorry. Have you not met him? This is my assistant Yushiro. I turned him into a demon."

Wait. What?

"But just to confirm: it wasn't for ill intentions. I am nothing compared to Kibutsuji."
"You say his name without hesitation. Why is that?"
"I removed his curse from him years ago and have no harm in saying his name out loud."
"I see. And what of the third?"
"The third?"

As he pointed, the third demon had finished his demonic power and rested for the night.

"You may refer to him as Unos."
"Unos? What an odd name for a demon. Did you transform them into a demon too?"
"No. Yushiro is the only demon I have ever changed."
"I see."

Confused by its intention behind it, I let it slide for now. We talked until the morning arrived and I realized that this Tamayo was just the same as before, but different. I recalled her from the past when meeting with YN, but at that time, she was within the bonds of Kibutsuji back then. Since then, she has cut ties with Muzan and lived as a fugitive, posing as a doctor for the people around her. While her thirst for blood has dwindled, things have gone easier for her sake. That was, until she met Yushiro and how she changed him during that time.

"I see. You want to stop this curse these demons who are involved with Muzan Kibutsuji. And when meeting this Young Kamado, you believe that Nezuko may be the answer you're looking for?"
"Interesting. And are you certain she can help you in this experiment? I mean, what if it doesn't work?"
"You dare question Lady Tamayo??" challenged Yushiro. "She's an exceptional person I've ever laid my eyes on."
"Of course not. I need to hear some reassurance to ensure her goal is realistic."
"It's understandable that you question my motivations. We have received some updates on our latest find. If you seem interested, Mr Rengoku."
"Please by all means."

She then explained that the blood she received from a lower moon demon was challenging, but with Nezuko's blood included, it has started to decrease its power and may give its chance to change and heal demons with a limited amount of demon blood. Amazed by this new information, Rengoku knew this could change everything from Muzan's demonic reign if this experiment became completed in no time. However, as he was pleased by this news, he wondered about someone: YN. Wouldn't it mean they wouldn't get to change back since they're a bit older than him? Or would it even work on him if he's eaten blood for so many years? He couldn't tell. He knew barely anything about YN or their life before they turned. If he had the chance to ask them about it, would YN explain their old life to him? As he pondered, Unos entered in, bringing Akatsuki along.

"Mister Rengoku, sir!" Akatsuki sighed in relief, "I'm glad you weren't eaten!"
"Why would I be? These demons are good."
"But they're demons. No good can come from them!"
"How dare you imply that we are no good?!" Yushiro snapped, hitting Akatsuki in the head and stomach areas.
"Yushiro..." Tamayo reiterate.
"Sorry ma'am! I won't hit him again!"
"Thank you."
"Ow~ that hurt!" Akatsuki whined, holding the damaged areas gently.
"That reminds me: Rengoku," resumed Tamayo.
"I have a warning to give you and to your friend."
"What of, madam?"
"I'm told you read the scroll YN had left for you."

Shocked by this new information, could Miss Tamayo know where they could be all this time?

"Please tell me where-"

Suddenly, Yushiro grabbed him by his arm and began pulling him to the ground, but it was short-lived as Rengoku pushed him away with his strength with Yushiro on the ground instead.

"Where is YN!?"
"I'm afraid I have no recollection of where YN is."

Disappointed by her news, he returned to his seat.

"But she did want to inform you of the events that'll happen if uncareful."
"I appreciate your concern, Ms Tamayo, but I do not need to know these events," Rengoku replied.

Surprised by his response, Yushiro, Akatsuki, and Unos stood there surprised. Unos mostly.
It didn't make sense why he didn't want to know the events that were to happen.

"The reason why," he continued, "is because the future is endless. We cannot prevent what is to come. It'll only seal its fate. So whatever fate may befall upon me, then so be it."

Smiling, Ms Tamayo rose from her seat and placed a picture on the ground floor.

"In that case, let me reveal to you the one who has attacked the innocent civilians throughout the time since you've arrived here."

Looking at the picture in question, I knew without a doubt: that this demon was drawing near, but how could we get something like that out in the open? Bowing with respect, I thanked Ms Tamayo for her services as I took Akatsuki out of the room and back to civilization. As the two were out of sight and sound, Ms Tamayo looked back at Unos.

"You heard it well and clear. He does not fear the future that is to come."
"I know." the demon spoke, muffled by the mask they wore, "But that still doesn't make me fear for his life."
"Do not fret, my child. They'll be just fine on their own."

Walking away with Yushiro by his side, Unos removed the mask for a moment, only to watch him disappear in the moonlight. Looking at their reflection from the glass, they could sigh with relief to see him one final time.

"Please be safe... my love."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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