A Love Confession?!

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I stared at him in complete shock.
He's in love? With me?! A demon?!
But why?
He then continued as if he read my mind.

"To be honest, I don't know why I love you, but my senses tell me you're special."

His hands gently caressed my own as I contemplate this matter.

"You shouldn't love me." I denied, "I'm a demon and you a Demon Slayer."
"We're enemies!"

Frustrated, I removed my hand from his and looked away.

"I'm not like you. I can't enjoy the things humans can do in the daytime. And even if I could, I would end up dead. Do you really want to risk all that happiness as a human for me? Well, do you?!"

Tears started to fall from my eyes as I couldn't hold back this pain. I knew he would die by my hands, but not like this: genuine feelings towards each other. I'm a monster who supposed to have no sense of feelings. If I stayed by his side, the love he has for me would be wasted. I'll only be a burden to him. He only glanced at me, realizing this situation clearly. He slowly stroked my head as I looked towards him.

"Would you do the same if the roles were reversed?"

My eyes widen in surprise by his question he asked me.
I glanced at him with teary eyes as he smiled his usual smile.

"I may not be a wise Hashira who has all the answers going forward. However, what I can tell you is this: this feeling I have for you will never fade away. So, if it means I have to protect you from those who want to harm you, I'll fight them for you. If a demon came here to kill me, you would protect me too, wouldn't you?"

That particular question made the situation worse.
Not only because I was assigned to kill him, but at the same time, I'm trying to protect him.
But how can I tell him that?
When he noticed I haven't said anything, he sighed and stood for a moment.

"You don't need to reply right away," he suggested. "But I'll let you get your rest. That is something you need for the moment."

He rose and walked out of the room.


As I closed the door behind, my heart started to beat senselessly. I just confessed my heart towards YN, but they didn't seem to deny or accept it. I wonder why. Was it because she was a demon and I a Hashira? Mortal enemies who destined to kill each other till the end of mine or their time? It shouldn't seem right for me to do such a thing for her, but at the same time, it shouldn't be something I shouldn't worry over. She's safe and protected. I won't let any harm come towards her. Just as I was about to leave, my younger brother stopped me for a moment.

"Big bro, Father wants to see you."
"At this hour? Very well. Take me to him."

My father never requested to see my presence ever since I was promoted Hashira. And all of a sudden, now is the time he wants to talk to me? I'm guessing it was because of YN. It wouldn't surprise me if he knew what they were. Before opening the door, I knocked.

"Yeah. Enter." a voice murmured.

I slid the door and walked right in.
I sat down, placing my sword on the right side.
While his back was in front of me, I sat down and waited for further instructions.
When he didn't respond, I spoke.

"You called for me, Father?"
"How long?"
"That demon in the guest room. How long will they rest?"
"You know?"
"I can tell by their aura and their marks. They're bad news."
"Father, they're not! I've seen them in action. They're nothing but kind."
"Bullshit!" He yelled.

I sat there shocked.

"I don't want them in this house."
"Why not, Father?"
"They're demons! They're all the same!"
"This one's different!"
"They may get near Senjuro and kill him without any hesitation."
"They would never harm Senjuro!"
"Why are you protecting that monster?!"
"They're my love, Father! Just how you were Mother's."
"Because your mother was a human. That demon in there isn't one. No son of mine will ever love a monster that murders human in cold blood, eats them for nutrients and claim they're the better race than us! They're a disgusting race that should never exist at all!"

As soon as he finished, I slammed my fist down towards the tatami mats near me.

"THAT'S ENOUGH, FATHER!!" I shouted.

I never shouted at my father before and this is the first time he's ever seen me angry before.

"They would never eat a human being! And even if they could, it would never be with Senjuro!"
"So, if it's another human being, then it's okay?"
"Of course not! The point is: I won't let you talk bad about them in front of me! They are my guest!"
"In my own home! If you don't want them dead in the next hour, then go on! Send them home!"
"You know I can't do that, Father. If you want them gone, then I'm gone too!"

This was the first time we ever fought.
I never became this angry over someone.
But I had to deescalate the situation fast.
If I wasn't careful, he may do something he'll regret.
Without hesitation, I bowed in front of my father.

"Please? Let them stay for the next few days. They'll leave at full moon and won't ever return here again. Please??"

My father growled and looked away.

He's never seen me relentlessly ask for his permission like this on his floor. While yes, it is mandatory for demon slayers to kill them, I was willing to lay down my weapon from them.

Without my knowledge, he tried to use his sense of feeling around the demon laid below his home and all he could feel is the gentle aura of the moon. It was something no demon has ever seen before in his life. Could he be right about this? He was unsure.

"Do whatever you want." he answered without looking at me, "I don't care. But one wrong move, and I'll kill them on sight!"
"Thank you, Father!"

It was a relief.
They are going to stay!
My love was going to be safe.

What I never expected back then was the situation which were lurking around the shadows. The betrayal that would test our love forever.

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