Shinobu's Talk

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Days passed after the meeting, and Rengoku was summoned to the Mansion once more by the Master's request. As he entered the garden alone, he noticed a scroll on the floor. Unsure of its context inside, he placed the scroll close to his sword and looked forward to this meeting. From what he has gathered, he has been summoned to investigate a demon attack in Ouwohana.

"I'm aware that this mission isn't something we would ask of you, Rengoku." the Master replied moments later during the mission, "but this situation is in deep peril and is requested at once."
"I understand, Master. I shall go there today and see what the issue may become from there."

He rose from his seat and prepared a long and dangerous journey for himself.

"Before you leave, Rengoku," Master spoke.
"We need to discuss... about that night..."

Rengoku stopped for a moment and turned towards him in stunned silence. He hasn't been the same since that discussion the two had that night. Even re-reading the letter countless times, somehow, it didn't feel like Rengoku was at peace at all. He wanted answers. He wanted to know why. But talking to the Master wouldn't be of any help. Rengoku would have to see them again, but where?

"You may find the person you are looking for." the Master replied.

Surprised by his response, Rengoku stood there shocked. Does the Master know where he's at?! If so, then why doesn't he lead him with that?!

"However," he continued, "the person you seek may not want to be seen. Find the one who doesn't seek his guidance, and the person in question shall reveal towards you."

Confused by his hidden riddles, it started to infuriate his mind even more than it did before. Instead of answering him immediately, he decides to bow in his respect and leave his home before he questions the Master's words.

"I wonder what the Master meant by that:" questioned Rengoku internally as he thought his words carefully. "I know the Master is wise, but what did he mean by 'The person I see may not want to be seen?'"

Realizing that the scroll next to him seems to be unopened, he read it carefully, only to see it was addressed to him:

My dear Rengoku,

By now, I know you've learned all from Mr. Ubuyashiki about my true origins. And with that, I sincerely apologize. I wanted to tell you all this time, but I couldn't. How can I when you are the prime target of my brother's anger? I'm doing all I can to ensure my love for you does not come in vain. I could never play your heart like this.

From the first time we met, I never knew much of your world and what it meant to be free. But after meeting you, I can't help but think: can life be this perfect with you by my side? Once I can find a cure to reverse my curse, I'll see you then. Until then, please don't die on me!

- YN

"Is everything alright, Rengoku?" a voice emitted from behind.

He turned around in surprise as Shinobu stood there.

"I noticed you've been staring into space a lot lately after that meeting, and I was wondering... Are you alright?"
"I'm fine," Rengoku replied sternly.

Realizing that his tone was different than usual, she didn't pursue any further than before and decided to change the subject at least.

"I'm told you're on your way to your next mission. Do you need some assistance at least?"
"No need." He replied. "I can handle things from here."

Noticing his tone changed aggressively, Shinobu revealed her expression of fear. He took a deep breath and calmed himself down for a moment. His emotions and mind got a hold of him so much that it started to affect him towards Shinobu.

"I'm sorry, Shinobu," apologized Rengoku, "I didn't mean to cause a problem between us."

Looking at his jumbled emotions, Shinobu smiled lightly.

"My, my, Rengoku!" Shinobu remarked, "I didn't realize your fiery temper can erupt at any moment. You must have some immense training after the Moon Demon Meeting."

He couldn't utter a word as the thought of Y/N being a Moon Demon bothered my mental state. I couldn't figure out why they were in his mind, but those intentional thoughts strayed far beyond his brain.

"I guess you can say that."

She smiled lightly and moved closer to him.

"I know you miss them. All of us are."
"Well, maybe not Sanemi and Obanai, but you get what I mean."

Was it obvious enough to Shinobu?
Why, I've never felt this fiery passion before.

"Then you wouldn't mind if I help you by sending you a few demon slayers who might help you along your journey?"
"Yes, from what I understood from the Hashira meeting, two other members were along with this Tanjiro Kamado."

"Ah, yes! The one from the meeting. How has he been?"
"He's recovered well. He may have a question about a technique he's picked up from the mountains. And hopefully, you may know the answer to it as well."
"I appreciate the offer, but I don't think I need more Mizunotos in this mission."
"I understand. However, I'm sure the Master made it apparent that he needs to be observed. Plus, with that demon sister he has, I'm sure you of all Hashiras would understand what he's going through."

Saying those words reminded me of the events of that meeting: both that demon Nezuko's response and the night of YN's disappearance. Just then, a moment clicked for a second. If I can't seem to find YN, maybe Tanjiro can. With a bright smile on my face, I looked at Shinobu right away.

"Yes! Once they recover, send them my way! I will make that Tanjiro my Tsuguko! And he will know the knowledge of the Flame Hashira!! Ha Ha Ha!"
"Maybe that might be too much for him at the moment..." She spoke, "But I wish you the best of luck."
"Well, best of luck to you! I'm off now!"

With perseverance, I walked towards Ouwohana, where the Mugen train resided, but something seemed off: one which I never expected to happen in that mission alone.

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