Hashira and the Master

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As the meeting came to a close within the Hashiras, Rengoku stayed behind to discuss with the Master.

"You have things in your mind, Rengoku."
"Why didn't you tell me about them?!"

The Master then realized what he meant by that, probably from the comment he made to Tanjiro earlier that day.

"Katana, Kuina, would you mind getting me the package?"
"Yes sir." the girls replied obediently.

As the two left the room as such, the Master stood from his seat and walked towards the patio area, where he saw the garden.

"Do you know who YN is, Rengoku?"
"What are you saying?"
"I only ask to ensure of the situation you're putting yourself as."

Thinking of the situation carefully, I knew YN was a demon. In fact, I knew right when we first met, but why was he asking me of this? Was it something else I'm not getting at?

"The fact of the matter is, YN is a valuable asset to the Corps." he continued, "And while, she's not considered a true member, she is in fact one of us."
"Then why??" Rengoku insisted, banging the sword on to his floor, "Why haven't you told me any of this??"
"It was meant for yours and the rest of the Hashira's safety, Rengoku. And while you do have strong feelings towards them, it would seem unlikely that keeping them safe in your haven may be too much for your father to handle."
"My father was once a proud Hashira! He would've protected YN as best as he could if he wished it!"
"Yes, I'm sure he would, but would he protect your family from Muzan?"

Hearing his name, Rengoku stood there surprised by his reply. Never in his life, would he think about Muzan skewing over anyone of his family, especially if it was Senjuro. But what did it have to do with YN? YN wasn't a Upper Moon rank or Lower Moon at all. Unless...

"What are you implying, Master?"
"The one demon we hoped to find so many years had come to light and has vowed to protect all of humanity as such."

'Dodging the question?' Rengoku thought internally, 'This isn't the Master at all.'

"And while it does pain for you to not see them as such," he continued, "we cannot guarantee the same towards them if things were to go south with him looking for something."
"Then what?! Lie to the one whom I vowed to protect you with my life?! How can I trust you and the Corps if there are one who tends to hide things from us?!"
"I know you worry about them, but they have thought of no one but you."

Just then, the door opened as the twins returned with a package for Rengoku. As he looked inside, all he could see were scrolls and scrolls of letters for Rengoku. All about their daily journey, their encounters, and whatnot. However, one scroll was lettered to the Master which was sealed tightly. Concerned about this matter, he opened and read the letter:

To the man who is deemed the Master of the mansion,

I bring glad tidings towards you and your people.
I hope this letter deems helpful as life goes on bright and helpful.
We still are unable to find any cure to your injuries, but I know my power could help you.
I understand you do not wish for your disease to be cured right away, but if there was a way your condition could be delayed for your health, I could help with that.
I do not know how far my brother will go to bring destruction to your land, but I hope no Hashira will ever come across him or any of his upper moon demons.
If my brother knows I am helping your kind, he will destroy all whom I deem worthy of my life and I do not wish that upon anyone, including Rengoku.
Please give my heart and soul to Rengoku and his family when you see him.
I cannot imagine how heartbroken he is to know why I haven't seen him in so long.
If he does read this before thee, then it must mean that he must know the truth.

And for that, I am sorry...

Moon Demon YN.

He dropped the scroll to the floor as he fell down in defeat.

The person he had his heart towards, his only true love was the one thing the Hashiras were looking for: the Moon Demon. Rengoku then thought of the interactions he came across with YN when they met, their days spending with you at his home, and when they left that night. 

That did explain why they couldn't respond back with their love for him. If so, it was a death sentence for them and to his family. However, if that was the case, why did they accept the kiss that night? If they hated that kiss, they would push him away or hurt him more, right? All these confusing questions kept echoing his head.

Without realizing the situation, the Master placed his hand on his head, allowing him to caress the hair on his head gently.

"Flame Hashira, the fire of your love is engulfed through your sword that you wield and the heart that is filled, but the mind is filled with anger and resentment towards demons and Muzan Kibutsuji. If two cannot co-exist as one, which flame shall you extinguish?"

Rengoku looked at the Master as he smiled gently like rain.

"Know this, Rengoku: YN does love you. They wish no more than your safety. If they wished harm upon you, they'd stay more and think of none other than themselves?"
"What must I do, Master?"
"Train your heart and soul, Rengoku. Be strong and vigilant. Your love will be your weapon and your anger will heighten your determination to defeat the demons once and for all. But do be careful. One wrong step, and your world will fall and lose all that you desire so much."

Understanding his knowledge and wisdom, Rengoku rose from the floor and bowed in respect.

"I understand, Master. If it's within my power, I will end all demons who stand in the way no matter the cost. This goal isn't for just me alone, but for my love, YN."

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