Chapter 17 - I'm so sorry

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Pain. That is all I felt as I slowly opened my eyes. My vision was slightly blurry so it was hard to make out where I was. 

"Summer, open your eyes slowly and try not too move. You suffered a car crash and your leg is broken so just take it slow." Someone who's voice I did not recognise told me. I blinked a couple of times until I could see clearly. I gently lifted my head which was painful, I noticed I was in a hospital room, I had a cast on my left leg and a nurse was standing by your side. 

"What happened?" I asked.

"Yesterday night you was out driving and you must have passed out whilst you were driving. Another car crashed into you and flipped your car over. You have some severe bruising and a broken leg but you are going to be fine." The nurse told me and I nodded.

"Your friends are outside, I can go get them if you like?" I nodded again. After two minutes Nate, Scarlett, Mark and Dan came in. 

"How are you feeling?" Scarlett asked as she set down some flowers onto the table next to me. 

"I'm fine just tired, my head is quite sore". I replied with a weak smile. I turned to look at Nate but he was staring down at the floor not even bothering to come over to me or even glance at me.

"We were really worried about you." Dan said as he sat down on my bed.

"Watch the leg," I laughed as I tried to sit up.

"Here I'll help you." Scarlett laughed as she puffed up my pillow and helped to sit me up. 

"Do you want a glass of water?" Mark asked as he picked up a glass.

"Yes please, my mouth feels so dry and my head is killing." I replied as he poured me a glass. 

"We can leave you alone for a while whilst you rest and we can come see you later?" Scarlett suggested.

"If you don't mind, I really appreciate you lot coming down here to see how I am." I smiled at all of them. They all kissed my head as they got ready to go, Nate was still standing in the corner not looking at me. 

"Feel better." They said as they left the room. Nate slowly looked up at me and it looked as though he had been crying. 

"Hey." I whispered as I twiddled with my thumbs. 

"Hey." He finally breathed out.

"Come here." I told him as he slowly walked over to me. He pulled up a chair and grabbed hold of my hand. 

"I was so scared about you, I thought I had lost you." He said as he kissed my hand, tears began to fall down his cheeks.

"I'm fine. I'm here. " I smiled at him.

"It's all my fault. I should have gone with you! It's all my fault!" Nate said angrily. 

"Nothing is your fault, I am here and I am fine just got a broken leg." I said as I tried to calm him down. 

"It is. Summer I don't know how to tell you this."

"Tell me what?" I asked confused.

"The crash caused you to have a miscarriage. I wish you had told me you was pregnant so I could have gone with you. I'm so sorry you lost our baby." He cried out.

"What?" I asked as my found it hard to comprehend what he had just said.

"You had a miscarriage." He repeated as he kissed my forehead. I found it hard to breath, I killed an innocent life.

"I really wished you had told me."

"Nate, I didn't know I was pregnant." I whispered as tears began to fall from my eyes.


"I didn't know I was pregnant, I just thought I had a stomach bug or something. I promise you I didn't know. I'm so sorry." I cried out as I struggled to breath. Nate got up from the chair and hugged me trying to calm me down. 

"It's not your fault." He reassured me.

"It is, I shouldn't have gone out by myself. If I stayed at home we would have a baby growing inside me and because of me we don't. I killed our baby!" Tears continously fell as I held onto Nate.

"No you didn't. You didn't know, it's not your fault. We can always try and have another when the times comes." Nate said as he kissed me. 

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too Summer, we will get through this together I promise." 

That night Nate stayed with me in the hospital. I felt sorry for him because he had to sleep on a chair and he had spent last night sleeping on a chair as well since he didn't go home. I couldn't sleep as I laid awake all night thinking about the baby that I would never get to see all because I wasn't careful. I just wish I had taken a test when I was ill just to make sure. Nate didn't deserve this, he would have been a great father to the baby. 

I stayed awake all night and when Nate finally woke up he gave a long meaningful kiss. 

"You can come home today and I'm going to take care of you." He said as he helped me get dressed. 

"Nate does anyone know about the miscarriage?" I asked him as I put on my shoes.

"No, I haven't spoken to no one about it." He said as he put his jacket on me.

"Can we not tell anyone yet. I don't really want to talk to anyone about it." 

"Me either, let's just get you home." 

There you go. College is just so stressful at the moment so I'm finding it hard to get time to write anything. It was a sad chapter to write. The comments on the last chapter were really great and I thankyou all for them. Comment, vote and follow me:) 

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