Chapter 14 - She was touching his downstairs area

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Nate showed me around his childhood home. He even showed me his old bedroom.

"I've never brought a girl in my room before." He told me.

"I find that hard to believe." I laughed.

"Honestly I never did, you're the first girl." He smirked.

"What about your other girlfriends?" 

"I went to their homes." He answered. 

"You never had sex in your bed." I giggled.

"Nope, but things can change." He smirked as he grabbed my waist. He pinned me down on his bed, crawling in between my legs. 

"It's like I'm a teenager again." He whispered into my ear as he left a trail of kisses down my neck. I pulled his blazer off and started to unbutton his shirt. 

"I need you" He kissed me with so much force. He pulled my dress upwards revealing my gold lacey thong. He begun to pull them down as I attempted to unbuckle his belt. I nearly got it undone when the door opened. I turned to look at my left to see the faces of two little girls who look mortified. 

"Uncle Nate what are you doing to that lady?" The smaller girl asked. 

"This is my girlfriend, I'm not hurting her." He assurred them.

"Darlings what's going on? I thought you were going to get toys from Nate's room? A voice asked them coming closer. 

"Nate what the hell are you doing?" His mother shouted at him covering the two girls eyes. My cheeks turned red as I pulled my dress down and my knickers up.

"Sorry mum, things got carried away." He shrugged. 

"I'm so sorry." I apologised. 

"I'm ashamed of you Nate, how could you be doing that when we have guest here! These girls will never get that image out of their heads." She shouted as she took the two girls away. 

"Oh my god, I can't believe that just happened. What if they walked in on us having sex? Your mum is going to hate me forever now. She must think I'm a slut." I rambled on.

"Will you calm down?" Nate sighed as he ran his hand through his hair. 

"Can we leave?" I asked. I really didn't want to go back downstairs. 

"No after dinner we can, I promise." He kissed me. He took my hand and led me back downstairs. His mother walked past giving us both a disappointing look, the look my mother gives me. 

"Dad." Nate greeted a man who walked up to us. 

"Hi son. Is this your girlfriend?" He asked looking at me.

"Yes, this is Summer, Summer this is my dad Louis." He introduced us. I shook his hand.

"It's nice to meet you sir." I said shly. 

"Likewise." He replied before walking away. 

Dinner couldn't come soon enough. We all sat around a very large dining table, I sat next to Nate and one of the little girl's who walked in on us. 

"Hello Summer." Aidan, Nate's brother, said as he took a seat in front of me.

"Hi Aidan." I greeted him.

"Are you's offical now?" He asked and we both nodded. 

"Hi uncle Aidan." The little girl said. 

"Hi Cassie." He smiled at her. 

"Isn't Nate's girlfriend pretty." He said to her and she nodded. 

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