Chapter 10 - Just because he died doesn't mean that she stopped loving her

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At the cinema Nate payed for us to watch 'The Fault in Our Stars' and by the end of it I was crying no stop. The film was so good, I had read the book before and loved it but the film was so emotional. 

"Hey don't cry." Nate told me as he wiped my tears away. 

"Their love was so beautiful, it shouldn't have ended!" I said as I kept crying.

"It didn't end, she will always love him. Just because he died doesn't mean that she stopped loving her." Nate said. 

"Is that the same as you and your ex?" I asked.

"No I stopped loving her, deep down I love her as a friend but she lied to me." He answered.

We walked hand in hand to the restaurant just down the road from the cinema. We walked in silence just enjoying each others company. He took me to an american diner which I had never been to before but knew what they served. We sat down and ordered what we wanted.

"Summer White. It feels as though I've known you for ages but yet I still don't know everything about you. So tell me your story." He grinned at me.

"Erm, I love football, photography, going out to new places I've never been before." I begun to tell him.

"What was your school life like?"

"Well, I got bullied for pretty much most of my school life. This was because I was the ugliest kid there. I tried to make friends but no one wanted to even get to know me. Then I went to college and I met Sam. College was good because no one knew who I was, so I went there being confident and people seemed to like me so the bullying went away." I told him.

"Why would someone bully you?" Nate spoke softly.

"Like I said, I was the ugliest kid at school." I said. 

The waiter came and brought all what we ordered to the table. I saw the burger sitting in front of me and my belly rumbled. It looked mouth watering. 

"Are you just going to stare at it or are you actually gonna take a bite?" Nate laughed as he watched me. I grabbed the burger and took the biggest bite out of it. 

"It's delicious." I said with my mouth full.

"I thought I brought a lady on a date with me." He smirked. 

"Shut up." I laughed as I continued to eat my burger, enjoying every bite savouring every taste. 

"I'm glad I met you Summer." Nate whispered as he took hold of my hand. 

"I'm glad I met you too." I whispered back. He began to rub his thumb over my hand, sending me shivers down my spine.

"It's been a crazy month not just for you but for me too. I know the whole wedding thing was horrible for you but I'm glad it happened, if it didn't then you would be married to him and you would have not met me and I wouldn't have met you. This is the quickest I have ever grown to like someone and I hope it goes a lot further. I know you are still in pain from what Sam did to you but I am going to look after you, I want to be the one who is there for you no matter what time of the day. I want to be the one who is constantly on your mind because you are certaintly on mine all the time, I can't stop thinking about you and it's making me go crazy." Nate laughed. I stared at him in shock, no one had ever cared for me this much. 

"Nate thank you." I whispered as my eyes begun to water, it's like the Fault in Our Stars again. 

"I just needed you to know that." He said as he pulled my hand up to his lips and softly kissed it. 

After we finished the meal Nate paid for it and we walked out. I thought the night was over but Nate reminded me that he had a surprise for me. He handed me a blindfold and told me to put it on.

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