Chapter 2 - Sucking faces with the bitch

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I woke up the next morning with a throbbing headache. I got up slowly but the pain in my head caused me to lay back down. What happened last night? I thought to myself. That's when all the memories came back to me. He cheated on me. He left me at my own wedding. I was knocked out of my thoughts by someone knocking at the door. I quickly sat up but I groaned in the process. 

"Hi, I thought you might like some breakfast I made some pancakes if you fancy it. Sorry you probably don't remember me but I'm Nate," he gave me a slight smile. 

"Did we have sex last night?" I whispered as I looked around the room.

"No, I wouldn't take advantage of a girl who was drunk out of her head. I was just all ears yesterday, like I said I am a good listener," he replied. 

"What happened last night?" I asked. 

"Well you came into the bar sat down next to me and we started talking then you poured your heart out to me about Sam. Then you got even more drunk and asked me for sex and I declined. Then you told me that you didn't feel well so I said I would take you home and then you threw up on my shoes," he chuckled a little.

"I'm so sorry. Why didn't you take me back to my house though?" I asked confused.

"Because I didn't think you would want to go back to your house while you was drunk and see all the pictures of you and Sam," he said as he got some clothes out of the draws.

"Here put these on, you probably want something comfy to wear when I take you back to yours," he said as he handed me a pair of shorts and one of his tops. 

"Thanks, so how about those pancakes then?" I smiled at him. 

After we had finished eating Nate drove me back to his. 

"Thanks for last night and today," I smiled at him as I took off my seatbelt.

"You're welcome I had fun," he laughed. 

"It's nice to know that there are actually nice people out there to talk to," I laughed as well.

"Here is my number if you want to talk again," he said as he handed me his number. 

"Thanks, I will give you a call," I said as I got out the car. 

"Bye Summer," he called out as he drove away.

"Bye Nate," I whispered as I began to walk up to the house that belonged to both me and Sam. 

As I opened the door I was welcomed to such a unpleasant site.

The two timing inconsiderate arsehole was sucking faces with the bitch Laura in my own home. 

"Excuse me what the fuck do you's think you are doing in my house!" I screamed at them.

"What are you talking about this is my house too!" Sam exclaimed.

"My parents paid for this house, like they paid for most of the wedding as well! And their money went to waste!" I shouted at him. 

"I don't care I'm keeping this house and there is nothing you can do about it!" He shouted at me. "Besides all your stuff has been packed," he smirked. 

"You've got to be fucking kidding me, this is my home not yours. I don't want you in my house and I especially don't want you, you skanky little bitch!" I yelled at Laura as I launched for her. She screamed as she fell to the floor. 

"How do you feel happy when you steal someone else's fiancé! You wouldn't like to be in my shoes!" I snarled at her as I yanked parts of her hair out. 

"Get off of me you sicko bitch! It's not my fault that Sam loves me and not you!" She screamed. 

"Summer if you don't get off of her I will call the police!" Sam threatened. 

"Go ahead, this is my home after all," I smirked at him.

"Not when it is under my name," he smirked back making mine disappear off of my face. I completely forget that we put it under his name.

"You know what keep the fucking house, I never want to see your face again!" I shouted as I began to move my things outside.

After I had moved everything I picked up my phone and dialled Nate's number.

"Missing me already," he laughed into the phone. 

"In your dreams, I need your help," I sighed into the phone. 

"What's happened?" he asked. 

"Sam kicked me out of my own home when my parents paid for it and now I have no where else to go. Can I stay with you for a couple of nights just until I find something?" I pleaded.

"Of course you can I'll pick you up in my mates truck I won't be long," he said before hanging up.

When Nate finally arrived he helped me carry everything into his car. 

"Thanks by the way, I don't really have any mates. I had to be mates with all of Sam's mates wives  and I don't think they liked me but I bet they love Laura," I said as I got into the car. 

"Well it's his loss. It will be fun spending a couple of nights at mine but you can spent as long as you want there," he grinned at me.

"Thanks, can I put the radio on?" I asked and he nodded. The song 'The best song ever' came on by One Direction and I started singing really loudly to it and dancing whilst Nate laughed at me. 

"You seem like you are in a good mood now?" Nate chuckled.

"Well I am going to put up a fight in getting my house back and my dignity," I grinned at him as an idea came in my head. 

Author's note - are you guy's liking it? Please vote, comment and follow me I follow back:) Hardly anyone is reading this :( Picture of Nate at the side x x x 

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