Chapter 9 - The pain of losing her without knowing

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"Sure." Nate said slowly, trying to figure out what I was going to say. I tried to figure out a way I could start the conversation but my mind was blank until an idea came in my head.

"How many girlfriend's you had before?" I asked.

"Not many, I've had serious relationships maybe like three serious ones, why?" He asked curiously.

"Just wondering, did they end badly?" 

"Two did the other one didn't, we both fell out of love so it was understandable." He replied to me.

"What about the other two?" I carried on asking him questions and he seemed to go quiet after I asked this and his face showed a sign of hurt.

"The first one ended because she cheated on me with my brother and it wasn't a drunken mistake either so they both knew what they were doing. We shared a flat as well, one day I returned home from work to see them at it in my own bed. That is also why I can't stand my brother as well." He told me showing no emotion, I reached out to grab his hand and I interlocked our fingers together. 

"I would never cheat on you." I said seriously to him.

"I know you wouldn't, I trust you." He said sternly. 

"What about the second one?" 

"We had a great relationship. I met her at a family party and we hit it off straight away. We had so much in common and it felt right being with her. Her family didn't like me because they didn't want her being in a relationship but they never told me why. We were together for a year and one day I got a call from the hospital saying that she had passed away that night. I didn't even know that she was in the hospital. I rushed there to find out that she had been suffering from cancer for seven years and she didn't tell me once. It made me realise why her parents didn't want us together because they knew it would hurt me when she went. It hurt me the most that she made me go through all that pain of losing her without knowing it was going to happen." He said, I looked up to him to see tears rolling down his cheeks. 

I used my thumb to wipe the tears away. 

"I don't understand how someone can put another human being through that. I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye." He told me. I just sat there remaining silent whilst he spoke.

"I mean if she told me she had cancer I still would have stayed by her side but at least I would have known it was going to happen one day." 

I crawled over to him and sat on his lap wrapping my arms around his neck. I pressed my lips against his, showing him that I care about him. He pecked lips again and the kiss deepened. 

"I will always be here for you Nate, thank you for telling me that." I whispered against his lips. 

"I don't usually speak about it. Mark, Scarlett and Dan were the only people there for me at the time." He said as he rested his forehead against mine. 

"I'm going to be here for you from now on." I promised.

"Me too." He kissed me.

We spent the rest of the day cuddling in bed until a drunken Aidan turned up. 

"Don't tell me you's just had sex." Aidan slurred as he stood outside the guest room.

"Aidan when are you leaving?" Nate asked.

"I don't know yet." 

"Well if it is not soon then I will kick you out." Nate threatened. 

"Whatever." Aidan muttered as he walked away crashing into anything that was in his way. 

"I really like cuddling you." Nate said as he snuggled in closer to me making me laugh but also making me blush at the same time. 

"I think I need to start looking for a house because Sam will never give up our one." I sighed.

"Why? You can stay here I don't mind. I like your company." He said.

"Are you sure? I don't want to annoy you." I told him.

"Of course you can. You will never annoy me Summer." He smiled at me and I returned it. 

Nate told me that he wanted to take me on a proper date. So he planned to take me to the cinema to watch the Fault in Our Stars, then for a meal and he said that there was going to be a surprise at the end. For our date I decided to wear a casual but classy dress so I didn't look over the top because we were going to the cinema and I wanted to be comfortable but I didn't want to look under dressed at the restaurant. 

I straightened my hair and applied some red lipsticks, after I was done I made my way downstairs to see Nate holding flowers. 

"Here you go my lady." He winked at me.

"Thank you Nate, these are beautiful but you seriously didn't have to get me them." I thanked him. I took the flowers from his hand and grabbed a vase so I could place the beautiful flowers in them. 

"So shall we go?" He asked and I nodded. He held out his hand for me to take and I gladly took it. I smiled to myself, I was finally happy again. 

AN- the rest of the date will be in the next chapter, can't wait to write it! Nate is such a cute guy. Please comment, vote, follow me I follow back. I wanna know if people are liking this story or if it is getting boring. Drama will be in it soon:) - Kayleigh xx

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