Chapter 13 - Shit I forgot you had parents

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A new week begun and I had decided to get in touch with my dad. He was a lot different to my mum, he was more understanding and he did not take shit from her. When I was younger I was a proper daddy's girl, we were inseparable. He would take me out every weekend just me and him, he would take me to see every West Ham game and even down the pub where I would hang out with his mates. My dad was the best.

"Hi dad." I smiled as I saw him, he got up to greet me with a hug and a kiss on my cheek.

"Hi sweetie, I missed you!" He beamed at me.

"I missed you too. I would have got in touch sooner but it's just mum." I sighed. 

"I know, she hasn't stopped nagging me about you. She keeps telling me that you are making a mistake because you won't go back with Sam."

"Dad he hurt me so much, imagine if that happened to you. Why would you want your own daughter going back to that monster?" 

"I don't want you to. I heard you're happy with some new fellow?" He asked and I blushed.

"Yes, his name is Nate. He is very special to me Dad. I could not be more happier." I shly said. 

"That's great to hear! As long as he treats you right then I am happy for you and I will accept it." He smiled.

"Dad can you do me a favor?" I asked.

"Sure. Anything." He replied. 

"You know the house me and Sam had together. Well he won't let me have it because it is under his name. You's bought it for us and surely you can get it back." 

"The boy is stupid because I made sure it was under my name not his." My dad told me.

"What? He lied to me!" I exclaimed.

"Look sweetie, I will sell the house and give you half of the money, is that okay?" 

"Dad it's not the money I want, I just don't want him living there anymore." 

"I know but just think about it as an early birthday present but don't tell your mother." He winked making me laugh.

"Okay." I winked back.

"So when do I get to meet this boy then?" 

I spent the whole day with my dad. We went to the pub we used to go to when I was eight years old. We had a right laugh, remember the memories we had together. Now we were outside Nate's house and I was going to introduce him to my boyfriend. 

"Okay remember the plan?" I laughed as I unlocked the door.

"Yes." He winked back.

"Nate I'm home!" I called out.

"I'm in the living room babe." Nate called back. I popped my head from the door. 

"Hey, I wanted to introduce you to my dad since you met my mum the other week." I said and Nate's eyes turned into a worried look as he remembered the experience with my mother. 

"Okay." He sighed as he ran his hand through his hair and got up. I entered the room with my dad following me having a stern look on his face. 

"Hi sir, I'm Nate, Summer's boyfriend." Nate introduced himself.

"You better not be sleeping with her son, I will murder you. She knows that sex is after marriage and you should respect that boy." My dad said with his serious voice, I was trying not to laugh.

"Of course not sir. Can I get you anything to drink?" Nate asked. 

"Tea, two sugard and don't make it milky boy!" My dad ordered and I couldn't help but burst out laughing at Nate's face and my dad joined in too.

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