Chapter 5 - Was I falling for Nate

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"Come on West Ham!" I screamed at the tv screen as I jumped out of my seat. I had been chanting them on non stop and the boys were shocked to see how much I get into the game. 

"Yes! They won!" I screamed as I jumped up and down nearly spilling my beer. Nate, Dan and Mark all stood up giving each other a high five. As I put my beer down on the coffee table Nate picked me up spinning me around in the air. 

"We won!" He laughed as he settled me down on my feet. 

"Yeah we did!" I laughed back as we body bumped each other. We all sat down on the sofa again and finish drinking our beers as we talked. 

'It's really hot in here, Dan can you open the windows please?" I asked him as I fanned myself. 

"They're already open," he replied causing me too moan. 

"it's too hot!" I groaned as I put my beer up to my face trying to cool myself down. All three boys casually took their tops off causing my jaw to drop. Their. Bodies. Are. Perfect. I couldn't stop staring. 

"Take a picture it will last longer," Mark smirked causing me to blush.  

"Nate fan me," I begged.

"Just take your top off, you have a bra on underneath," He suggested. 

"But I don't like my body," I mumbled as I turned away from them. 

"What you talking about? You are skinny and you have big boobs," Dan said causing Nate to whack him round his head. 

"What he is trying to say is that you have a hot body and you shouldn't be ashamed to show it off and we are your friends anyway," Nate shrugged. I sighed as I took my top off and through it to the side. All I was now wearing was my black lacy bra and my shorts. The boys stared at me with wide eyes. I wrapped my arms around my body feeling self conscious. They had not stopped staring. I quickly went to put my top back on.

"Why you putting your top back on?" Mark asked. 

"Because you's three keep staring at me making me feel uncomfortable," I said.

"It's because your body is so hot!" Dan moaned. I look up at Nate and he was still staring, my eyes caught his and he turned away blushing. 

"I like the bra," Dan smirked at me as I put my middle finger up to him. 

"Boys, you's are gonna have to go now because I need to prove to Summer that I am the best cook," he laughed nervously as he scratched the back off his neck. 

"Sure, have fun on your date," Dan laughed as him and Mark walked out the door. 

"It's not a date," Nate called out after them. All that could be heard was Dan and Mark's laughter as they got into their cars. I began to start tidying up the living room and soon Nate came in to help me. 

"I didn't know that you liked football so much, you really got into the game," he laughed making me blush. I quickly hit in with a pillow to shut him up. 

"You didn't just do that," he smirked as he grabbed my bra strap and pinged it back causing me to scream out in pain whilst he laughed. I ran and jumped on his back making him loose his balance and fall to the ground. I pinned his hands down and sat on him. I moved forward making him groan out in pain. Then I moved backwards again and he moaned. 

"If you keep doing that I will not be able to control myself," he warned as I laughed. I got off him and carried on tidying up. We did keep messing about but we finally got the job done. 

After helping Nate clean up I headed upstairs and took a shower. Nate told me that I wasn't allowed downstairs until he called me down as he wanted the dinner to be a surprise. I applied foundation, mascara and red lipstick again. I then curled my hair into beach waves and put a cute white summer dress on. I then decided to do something while I was waiting so I did what I loved best and started reading a new book I had brought the other day. It was called 'The fault in our stars'. 

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