Chapter 7 - I didn't bring you up to be a whore or a slut.

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I spent the rest of the day cuddling with Nate whilst we watched grown ups. I absolutely loved this film.

"What are we?" Nate asked out of the blue.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I sat up.

"Are we seeing each other?" 

"I dunno, can't we just go with the flow. Like whatever happens, happens?" I didn't want to be in a relationship because of what happened with Sam.

"Okay," Nate smiled as he leaned over a peck my lips lightly but left his lingering in front of mine. I leaned forward and kissed his soft lips which he responded by kissing back straight away. I gradually made my way onto his lap and then soon enough I was straddling his waist as we carried on kissing. He's tongue slipped into my mouth making both our tongues battle together. I tugged at the end of his hair making Nate moan out in pleasure. 

The sounnd of my phone ringing made us pull apart from each other. I tried to get my breath back a bit before I answered the phone.

"Hello?" I breathed out.

"Hello darling, it's your mother," the voice said. 

"Mum?" I asked confused as to why she was ringing, she was probably so embarrassed by what happened at the wedding. 

"I think we should meet up and get a coffee together," mum insisted. 

"Why?" I bluntly replied. 

"Because you have had enough time hiding now and you need to face the world," mum said.

"I haven't been hiding,"

"Yes you have darling, no one has seen you since the wedding," she said. 

"I've been staying with a mate," I told her.

"You don't have any mates, the only mates you had were mates of Sam and they barely liked you. No wonder why, you were always a problem when it came to making new friends," mum rudely mentioned.

"You don't know my mate, he's been kindly letting me stay with him. He's me better than my own family," I snapped.

"Hunny, he's probably only letting you stay there to have sex with you," 

"And what if I let him aye, you can't do anything I'm not a child anymore!" I hissed getting angrier. 

"Seriously Summer, I brought you up better than this, I didn't bring you up to be a whore or a slut. You've only just got out of a relationship and a long one that is and now you are sleeping with some stranger," mum sighed.

"I'm not a slag! I'm not even sleeping with Nate. And what am I not allowed to move on with my life do I have to sit in all day being all depressed eating chocolate and getting fat? Sam was cheating on me for six months but people still don't even think he is the bad guy in all of this!" I screamed into the phone, tears were falling down my cheeks.

"When you are ready to talk let me know," mum said.

"You know what, I'm done with all of you's. I am just an embarrassment to you's. I'm moving on with my life now get over it!" I snapped as I hung up the phone. I threw my phone on the other sofa. I looked to my right to see Nate still sitting there. He had not said one word. He just moved closer to me and wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. He kissed the top of my forehead and we laid there together just enjoying each other's company. 

Author's note - sorry about the wait, I've just gone back to school and it's my last year. So I'm going to be really busy. Anyway vote, comment and follow me:) 

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