Chapter 8 - Nate had been hurt before

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Nate suggested that it would be a good idea if I went out with Scarlett today so I could get to know her more and become good friends with her so that's what I was going to do today. I had already made arrangements with her and we were planning on meeting at the local coffee shop. 

I arrived at the coffee shop and ordered myself a hot chocolate whilst I waited for Scarlett to arrive. After about ten minutes a bubbly brunette bounced into the coffee shop. She came up to me greeting me with a hug and excused herself so she could get a drink and a muffin. 

"How are you Summer?" She asked as she returned, placing her coffee and muffin onto the table. 

"I'm good thank you, how are you?" 

"I'm great thanks! My relationship with Mark could not be happier, I will let you in with a secret" She whispered the last part to me. "He proposed to me last night!" She squealed showing me her engagement ring. 

"Congratulations." I smiled at her. The thought of a wedding just made me feel sick now. My wedding didn't work out for me but that doesn't mean that Scarlett's won't work out for her so I was generally happy for her. 

"He did it so romantically as well. We were sitting down in a restaurant chatting away when the waiter came and brought a cake over. I took a bite but before I put it in my mouth I noticed that there was a ring on my fork as well. I looked at him confused and then he got down on one knee." She grinned. 

"That is beautiful." I told her. It was way better than how Sam proposed to me, all he did was ask me to marry him and he just gave me the ring. He didn't even put it on my finger, I was just too in love with him to realise how much of a prick he was. 

"I know we haven't known each other for long but I was wondering if you would like to a bridesmaid?" She asked smiling at me, hoping I would say yes. And that it is what I said causing her to squeal. 

"That's enough about me now, how's things with Nate?" She smirked at me.

"What?" I laughed at her expression.

"Come on Summer! I can see the chemistry between you both." She stated the obvious. 

"He's a nice person." I told her but she was not happy with what I said. 

"You like him!" She shouted causing people to give us glares. 

"N-no I don't" I stuttered, blushing in the process.

"Yes you do!" She shouted again, people seemed as though the were getting annoyed with her sudden out burst.

"Shh! Fine I do like him, he told me he likes me as well. We kissed the other day too and it felt really good." I smiled at her. 

"Good, it is time that Nate found someone who he deserves." She smiled weakly.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"He has been hurt quite badly in past relationships so he just stopped getting into them, the last girl he was with was Amy but that was just a one night stand thing." She told me. I never knew Nate had been hurt before, he always seemed so happy.

"What happened in his past relationships?" I asked. 

"That's not for me to say, if you ask him then maybe he might tell you." She suggested and I nodded.

The rest of the day with Summer was really good, we chatted non-stop and we even went shopping. When I arrived back at Nate's my feet were killing me. I knocked on the door hoping he would answer straight away and thank god he did. 

"How much did you spend?" He asked as I put the shopping bags into the guest room.

'Enough" I sighed, my bill was going to be extremely high this month.

"Did you have a good day with Scarlett then?" 

"Yes, it was great! Did you know her and Mark are engaged?" I asked him smiling.

'Yes, Mark asked me today if I wanted to be the best man, obviously I said yes." Nate grinned.

"Scarlett asked me if I wanted to be a bridesmaid which I thought we really nice of her considering I haven't known her for long." I told him. The thought of Scarlett made me think back to what she said about Nate. 

I sat down on the bed and he joined me. 

"Nate can I ask you something?" 

Author's note - Hey! Sorry about the wait I honestly didn't think anyone was reading this. Thank you to the people who have commented, if they didn't I probably would not have carried on with this story. So please comment, vote and also get it noticed. Follow me because I follow back! I can update whenever you want because I have finished school so please comment when you want the story updated , thankyou - Kayleigh xx

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