Chapter 12 - stop acting all psychological with me

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It had been three weeks since me and Nate had sex for the first time and things were going great. He had taken me on a different date every day this week and spoiled me like I was a princess. Sam did not make an appearance which I was thankful for. My feelings for Nate were beginning to really develope, everytime he was around me I got butterflies in my stomach especially when he kissed me. Every night before I fell asleep he would whisper sweet things into my ears, telling me how beautiful I was. I was truly one lucky girl. 

"Morning Nate." I whispered as I run my hands through his hair. He mumbled something but I couldn't quite hear what he said. 

"Oh Summer, keep going." He moaned. I laughed he was having a dream about us having sex! I grabbed my pillow and hit it right around his head, he quickly shot up.

"Ow! What was that for?" He exclaimed.

"Sorry to bother your dream but time to get up" I smiled as I got out of bed and made my way downstairs. I begun to make breakfast for us when my phone rang making me jump. 

"Hello?" I answered not bothering to look at the caller ID.

"Hello Summer, as you haven't got in touch with me since I last called you I am ringing you." The voice told me.

"Mum?" I said confused.

"Yes, now I need to speak to you so I will coming to your friend's house this afternoon, I will not take no as an answer." She said before she hung up. I was angry. I couldn't stand the women! 

"Who was that?" Nate asked startling me. 

"My mum, she is coming round later to have words with me." 


"God knows, the cheek of her she didn't even give me a chance to say no!" I exclaimed.

"I'll be with you when you speak to her." He told me as he kissed my cheek. Butterflies surrounded my stomach, god this boy will be the deaf of me. 

It was around noon when I heard a knock at the door. I got up to go answer it with Nate right behind me. I pulled the door open to reveal my mother, dressed smartly. If I could compare her to anyone it would be Charlie and Alan's mum on two and a half men. 

"Summer," she greeted me as she let herself come in. She took a seat on the sofa waiting for us to join her. I closed the door and followed her in. 

"I will have a cup of tea, two sugars and not too milky." She intrusted Nate. He looked gobsmacked at her rudeness but I was used to it.

"Mum! This is his house so you don't speak to him like that!" I snapped at her.

"Well I am the guest, now hurry up boy," She told him.

"Why are you here?" I asked as Nate disappeared into the kitchen. 

"Sam spoke to me the other day." She said.


"He told me he came here asking for you back but you turned him down." 

"And?" I asked again as Nate came back in with the tea. He gave it to her and she didn't even thank him. She took a sip of it and looked down at it.

"This is too milky! I cannot drink this. Make it again." She ordered.

'Excuse me?" Nate hissed.

"You heard me." She said. Nate got up throwing me a look that he was mad, he went back into the kitchen.

"Give him another chance." She instructed me.

"No." I bluntly replied.

"I'm not asking Summer, I'm telling you. You embarrassed us at the wedding so you will." 

"Excuse me? You don't own my life! I will not do what you want! I am happy with someone else, what Sam did to me I could never forgive him for! If you cannot understand that then get out." I snapped.

"Do not speak to me in that way young lady! You are my daughter. Is this your new boy then?" She asked as Nate returned. 

"Yes, I am the happiest I've ever been with him and there's nothing you can do to stop that!"

"I will speak to you when you have got your mind sorted," She said as she stood up. 

"Stop acting all psychological with me! You have ruled my life and I am not having it anymore! My mind is fine it' finally not listening to you anymore and you don't like that now get out." 

"Very well then, don't expect anything from me anymore." She said as she let herself out.

"So that's your mum?" Nate laughed. 

That night me and Nate were eating dinner at the table. 

"Nate?" I asked. 


"I've been thinking this week, I'm not scared of labelling this anymore. I know I trust you and I know I don't need to be scared of getting hurt because you're not like that." I said.

"Summer.." He begun but I cut him off. 

"What I'm trying to say is that I want to be with you officially, I shouldn't be the one doing this because it's really cringy but will you be my boyfriend?" I nervously laughed. He laughed with me. 

"Of course I would." He carried on laughing. "I just can't believe you actually asked me." 

"Shut up" I blushed hiding my face. "That took a lot of courage to do." I smirked.

"Oh I can tell." He winked at me.

"Stop it!" I exclaimed as I could feel my cheeks getting redder. 

"But you look cute when you blush." 

By now my face was as red as a tomato. 

"Are you done teasing me now?" I asked.

"Nope I don't think so." He chuckled. God his laugh.

"Ok none for you tonight." I smirked watching his face drop.

"You won't be able to control yourself, you will end up giving in." He grinned. 

"No I won't" I proudly said. 

"Oh really? Even when I do this?" He teased as he took his top off slowly, flexing his abs. I swear I was drooling. 

"Close your mouth sweetie or you will catch flies." He winked. 

"Doesn't bother me." I shrugged even though it really did!

"Oh is that so? What about when I do this?" He walked behind me and begun to kiss my neck. My breath hitched in my throat. I swallowed before I spoke.

"N-nope not a-at all." I stuttered. I wanted to rip his jeans off.

"What about this?" He trailed his hand up and down my thigh. I couldn't take it anymore. I turned around getting off my chair pulling upstairs by his hand. 

"Give in?" He chuckled. 

"Yeap!" I bluntly said. 

There you go another chapter, there will be a lot of drama and good news in the next chapters:) Results day was today hope everyone got what they wanted! I haven't got mine yet was suppose to be posted today but my school lied:( Vote, comment and follow me :)))) 

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