Chapter 4 - He doesn't like trash

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I woke up the next morning laying in the arms of Nate. I weakly smiled at him laying there slightly snoring. I snuggled more closely to him which made him wrap his arms tightly round me as if he was protecting me. Protecting me from my dream. The dream was events from my wedding night and I also realised from my dream that I remember seeing Laura at mine and Sam's engagement party. Could their affair have been going on longer? I thought to myself. 

I need to stop thinking about them. They are out my live now, I just need to get my house back and move on. I just know one thing and that is that I will never ever again get married. I am going to stay Miss Summer White for rest of eternity. Yes, I may have a boyfriend but I will not marry him because it just leads to disappointment. 

Nate began to stir which meant he was waking up. I stared up at him as he opened his beautiful eyes. 

"Morning Summer, how are you feeling?" He asked with his voice all husky which made ten times hotter. 

"I'm feeling better thank you, thanks for comforting me last night it means a lot," I smiled at him. 

"You're welcome, how about we go out for breakfast this morning?" He asked. I look at his arms and noticed that they were still wrapped around me which made me blush but he didn't notice as he still kept them there.

"Er yeah sure, are your mates coming?" I asked.

"I can ask them or it can be just me and you," he suggested. 

"I don't mind," I shrugged.

"Let it just be me and you. We wouldn't want Amy glaring at you all morning," he laughed. His laugh was so fit. 

"Okay, well I better go have a shower," I smiled at him waiting for him to unwrap his arms even though I didn't want him to but he notice what I was waiting for. 

"Er Nate, can you remove your arms from me for a bit I need to go have a shower," I laughed at him. He blushed as he removed them, he must have forgot. 

"Why don't I join you aye, save some water?" Nate winked at me.

"In your dreams pretty boy," I winked back. 

After my refreshing shower, I got changed into a West Ham top and jean shorts and left my hair down wavy. West Ham were playing later so I was going to cheer for them in front of Nate's tv. 

"Come on then let's go eat," I slapped his bum as I walked past him. 

"Nice top," he smirked. "Take it you support them," he said. 

"Yeah, what about you?" I asked as we got into the car. 

"Of course I do. You watching them tonight with me and Dan?" He asked. 

"Yes! I would never miss their game," I smiled. 

We drove to a little cafe near where Nate lived. I ordered a massive stack off pancakes which were so delicious and Nate ordered a full english breakfast which I think he enjoyed as he scoffed it down so quickly. 

"Are you enjoying that Nate?" I snickered as he had a bit of scrambled egg on his lip. His went cross eyed trying to look for what was on his face. I grabbed a napkin and slowly whipped it off. 

"There, all gone," I whispered as he stared into my eyes deeply. 

"Thanks," he mumbled as he carried on staring making me look down and blush. 

"That was absolutely delicious thanks for bringing me here and paying even though I insisted I would," I laughed at him.

"A gentlemen always pays for a pretty lady," he complimented me making me blush. 

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