Chapter 16 - I will have to arrest you if you don't stop

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Nate's POV

"Guy's it has been forty-five minutes she should have been back by now, I'm going to call her." I said as I grabbed my phone walking out the room. She said she would be fifteen minutes, it's not like her to be this late. I knew I should have gone with her, I thought to myself. 

"Hello" Summer's voice spoke into the voice. 

"Thank god you're o-" 

"You have reached Summer, I can't get to the phone right now so please leave a message after the beep." Her answer voice said. I was getting really worried now. I walked back into the living room where the rest of them were. 

"She isn't answering her phone, it went straight to answer phone. I'm going to go out and find her. If she comes back here ring me." I told them as I grabbed my keys. 

"I'll come with you." Dan said as he walked with me to my car. "She will be fine." He tried to reassure me. 

"I hope so" I whispered as we got in the car. 

Firstly we drove to the chinese, I got out the car and made my way over to the till.

"Excuse me sir, has a woman been in here with really long brunette hair?" I asked him beginning to panic. 

"There has been a lot of girls in here tonight, can you explain some more please." The man replied. I got out my phone showing him a picture of me and her. 

"Have you seen her?" I asked again.

"No but she is very pretty." He stated. This made really angry.

"Seriously! I cannot find her, I need to know where she is!" I shouted. 

"Alright calm down sir." The man told me.

"Don't tell me to calm down when the girl I love is missing!" I shouted as I stormed out the chinese with Dan following behind me.

"You love her?" He asked me.

"Yes." I replied as I got back in the car.

"Have you told her?"

"No and I may not ever be able to if I can't find her." I sighed as I drove off. 

We were driving around trying to spot Summer until we saw flashing lights, I drove up to the scene pulling over and getting out. A car was tipped over on it's side and when I saw who's car it was my heart stopped and I found it difficult to breath.

"What's wrong?" Dan asked as he walked over to me. I completely ignored him as I ran to the car. 

"Sir get away from the car" A police officer ordered me. I thought against him as hard as I could, I needed to get to my girlfriend. 

"Sir, I will have to arrest you if you don't stop." He informed me. 

"That's my girlfriend, please you need to get her out the car!" I shouted as tears began to fall down my cheeks. 

"We are trying our best. They nearly have her out, please calm down sir." He told me. "Someone come and take this man to one side please, he is the boyfriend of the girl." He called for someone. 

"Her name is Summer." I told him as a man came to take me to the side. Dan soon came to my side. 

"I'm so sorry mate, don't worry they will get her out and she will be fine." He said as he patted my back. 

"I don't want to lose her. I love her." I whispered as I held my hands up to my face. 

We waited twenty minutes before they finally got her body out of the car. I ran over to them as soon as I saw her. 

"Is she ok? Summer?" I asked as the man carried her body to the ambulance. 

"She is unconscious at the moment, but we are going to take her to the hospital and try all we can." The man told me. They put her body into the amulance and me and Dan got straight in the car and drove to the hospital. 

It felt like the longest drive ever. I had barely said a word to Dan. I pulled into the hospital parking lot and we made our way inside. 

"Excuse me can you tell me where they have put Summer White?" I asked the elderly lady at the desk.

"Who are you to her?" She asked back.

"I'm her boyfriend and he is her friend." I told her.

"She is on the fifth floor, room 77. She is still unconscious and the doctors are trying their hardest to wake her, so do not barge in the room please wait outside it and a doctor will shortly come to you to inform you on any news." The lady told us, I quietly thanked her and quickly made my way to where Summer was. 

I looked into the room and saw her body laying on the table. She had a lot of cuts over her body, I wondered what else had happened to her. 

"Dan you can go home and inform the others. I will call you if anything happens." I told him.

"it's fine I will stay with you." He told me.

"No go home, I will be fine. The others are probably worried sick. I will call you if there is any news and if I need your help." I weakly smiled at him and he slowly nodded before turning around and walking to the car. 

Two hours went passed before a doctor eventually came up to me.

"Nate?" He asked unsure.

"Yes that's me, is she okay?" I asked nervously.

"Well there is good news and there is bad." He sighed. 

"What is it?" I began to panic.

"Summer is going to be fine, she has some severe bruising and a broken leg. She is sleeping at the moment and probably will not wake up until tomorrow she is under a lot of medication to ease the pain." He told me.

"Thank god" I sighed. "Then what's the bad news?" I asked.

"We could only save one of their lives." He told me. I was slightly confused at what he said.

"Did the other person in the car die then?"

"No, sir you girlfriend had a miscarriage." 

To make up for the long wait of four months here is another chapter. I hope you enjoy it, please comment as I did not get any on last night's chapter! Vote, follow me and I follow back! Have a good night guys!

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