Chapter 3 - I'm being a good friend maybe you should learn to be one

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Nate helped me put all the boxes in the guest room for the time being. 
"Thanks Nate I really appreciate this," I smiled at him as I went in for a hug. He rested his head onto of mine. 

"You're welcome," he replied softly as he pulled apart. 

"Erm I'm having some mates over tonight and was wondering if you wanted to join? We will probably order an Indian and have a few drinks. There's boys and girls coming so it won't be hard to socialise and there's about four coming round, if you're up for it?" He asked as we walked into the living room. 

"Is that okay? But what if they don't like me?" I asked getting nervous. 

"They will love you, and if you get nervous then just stay with me." he grinned. 

"Okay I'm up for it," I grinned back. 

That night I had got dressed into a white blouse and denim shorts. I didn't know if we were dressing up fancy or casual so I just went with that. I curled my hair into beach waves and applied a bit of make up but still making my look natural. I walked downstairs and saw Nate setting up the living room. He had put all blankets and quilts on the sofa's making it all cosy and set all place mats on the long coffee table which I was assuming that was where we was going to eat. There were a bunch of dvd's sitting by the tv. I coughed trying to get his attention. When he turned around he looked at me with a smile.

"Summer, wow you look really nice," he beamed at me. 

"Thank you, do you need any help?" I asked as I walked closer. 

"No it's okay, I think it's all done now," he replied as he hit me with a pillow and laughed. I picked up another one from the sofa and hit him back making him stumble backwards slightly. 
"You're going to regret that now," he smirked at me as he charged at me and picked me up spinning me around. 

"Put me down!" I screamed and giggled. 

"Fine," he threw me on the sofa and climbed on top of me and began to tickle me. 
"Nate! Stop!" I giggled and wriggled about trying to stop him. "I will bite you!" I shouted as tears trickled down my cheeks from laughing too much. 

"No you won't!" he laughed as I pushed him off me but he pulled me down with him. 

"Am I missing out on something here?" came a voice from the door smirking at me and Nate. I looked at Nate and realised that I was straddling his waist and quickly got up blushing in the process.

"Who let you in?" Nate asked scratching the back off his neck.

"I know where you keep the spare key, care to introduce us?" the man at the door carried on smirking. 

"Yeah, er this is Summer, Summer that is Dan," Nate introduced us. 

"Hi," I shyly said. 

"Hello Summer, you look beautiful," he greeted me. 

"Thank you," I smiled at him. 

"Where are the others?" Nate asked changing the subject. 

"On their way, I think tonight I might sit next to Summer here considering I am the single one not you Nate," Dan laughed. I looked at Nate confused.

"Amy is not my girlfriend, she thinks she is but she ain't. Just because we were drunk and slept together does not make her my girlfriend," Nate hissed getting slightly angry.

"She won't like seeing you with Summer," Dan laughed as he came inside and took a seat on the sofa. 

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