Chapter 11 - I was finally beginning to like my life

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I woke up the next morning to see Nate staring down at me.

"Sorry Nate, I didn't realise I fell asleep on you." I blushed as I sat up. 

"It's fine I fell asleep as well. Your snoring did keep waking me up though." He teased me as he poked his tongue out. The sound of the door bell ringing made us both jump, Nate got up to go answer it. I tried sorting out my bed hair whilst he was gone and I also checked my breath incase it really badly stunk, luckily it didn't. 

"Summer." Nate called. I got up from the couch and made my way to the door. I approached Nate and he had a frown on his face. 

"Someone's here to see you," He whispered to me, preparing me for my worst nightmare. I peered from the front door and anger formed on my face. 

"Why the fuck are you here!" I shouted at the most disgusting human being to ever be on this planet, Sam.

"I want to talk to you," He said. 

"What could you possibly want to talk about?" I exclaimed. Nate seemed to be angry as his grip on the door handle was gradually getting tighter. 

"Me and Laura broke up." He said as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Oh what a shame, that must be devasting." I said with my mouth full of sarcasm. 

"I ended it because she wasn't you." He said softly. I laughed out loud at his petty excuse. 

"Why are you here?" I demanded.

"I want you to give me another chance." He begged. 

"Are you actually joking me right now?" I carried on laughing. 

"Please, I love you and I know you love me." He tried to persuade me. 

"I loved you," I said emphasizing on the 'ed'. "I have someone else anyway, who treats me a lot better than you did so would you please leave." I told him.

"Is this the man you are with now?" Sam asked.

"Yes that is me, I suggest you leave now or I will call the police." Nate threatened.

"Call them for what?" Sam asked.

"For not getting off my property!" Nate was getting mad.

"Summer you're coming with me." Sam shouted as he gripped my arm trying to pull me outside.

"Get off me!" I screamed, trying to pull away from his grip. 

"We are going back to our house!" Sam continued to pull me but I was soon pulled from his grip. I turned to see Nate holding me, his eyes had turned a dark grey showing that he was furious. 

"Stay the fuck away from her!" He growled. 

"Or what?" Sam tested. Next thing I knew Nate had flung himself at Sam tackling him to the ground. Nate began to punch him again and again. 

"Nate get off him!" I begged as I couldn't stand violence. One I managed to get Nate to let go I notice the blood on his knuckles. I glanced at Sam to see his nose was covered in blood as well.

"Just get out of here Sam." I said as I took Nate back into the house and shut the door behind us. I led Nate into the kitchen and put his hand under the sink. When the cold water ran on his knuckles he groaned as the pain was hurting him. I then dried his hand and wrapped a bandage around it. 

"Summer." Nate whispered trying to get my attention but I ignored it. 

"You need to rest your hand." I told him as I got up but he pulled me back.

"Are you mad at me?" He asked with a sad look on his face.

"No, it's just I don't like violence. He did deserve it but you went too far." I replied. 

"I'm not sorry for doing it, how dare he come here!" Nate snapped. 

"I know, he's gone now." I hushed him. I rested my forehead against his and gazed into his eyes. They were truly beautiful. I stared down at his lips, they looked so soft and kissable. I was knocked out of my gazing when Nate grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me closer attaching his lips to mine. His nibbled on the bottom of my lip, I moaned opening my mouth letting his tongue dive in. Our tongues battled agaisnt one another. My hand begun to undo his shirt trying to rip it open. He pulled my top over my head and kissed my shoulder.

"You're beautiful Summer." He whispered. He picked me up carrying me upstairs. Once we reached his bedroom he pinned me up against the wall. He unhooked my bra from the back letting it fall to the floor. Next thing I knew I was thrown onto the bed. I unbuckled his belt and he slid his trousers down, he pulled my joggers down slowly and then my knickers. Once his boxers were off he reached into his side drawer pulling out a condom. 

"Are you sure?" He asked making sure I was happy to go through with it. 

"Yes," I breathed as he entered me. 


That night we were cuddled up in bed watching a film. 

"You know when Sam came this morning, you called me your girlfriend." I said with a smirk.

"It sort of came out, I was so angry and annoyed with him." He laughed.

"I could tell." I laughed with him.

"Don't worry I will ask you soon but not yet. I am going to treat you as if you are but we won't label it," He smiled at me. 

"I'm hungry." I said as my belly rumbled.

"Well you could make your hot wings again." He gave me a cute smile because he loved them.

"Fine, let me get dressed." I said as I got up putting on my clothes but in the process Nate slapped me on the bum.

"Oi!" I laughed as I swatted his hand.

We both went downstairs, I begun to make the hot wings whilst Nate sat down doing nothing. The door bell went so Nate got up to answer, I hoped it weren't Sam again. Nate came back into the living room with Scarlet, Mark and Dan following behind him. 

"Hi guys." I greeted them as I walked into the living room.

"Hi!" They all said together. 

"You're making your hot wings?" Dan asked as he licked his lips. 

"Yes, I guess I've got to make more now." I smirked and Dan nodded.

"What have you's been doing today then?" Asked Mark.

"Well.." I trailed off trying to think of an idea to say.

"I know that look Nate! You's had sex!" Dan shouted.

"Shut up." Nate said smiling. 

"At least he is getting some." I smirked at Dan, making everyone laugh.

"I am getting some! I had a girl last night actually but all she did was talk whilst we were doing it." He shuddered. 

I was finally beginning to like my life. 

Hi, I'm so sorry about not updating for ages! I moved houses a month ago and only just wifi and I've just been on holiday for two weeks. I hope people are reading this still:) Comment and vote please.

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