Chapter 15 - I just care about you that's all

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It was coming up to Christmas and we were having Scarlett, Mark, Dan and Amy round for Christmas Eve even though me and Amy weren't exactly the best of friends. We had decided to get a chinese and get extremely pissed. Recently I hadn't been feeling too good and Nate had been keeping a close eye on me and when I say close eye I mean he had not left my sight.

"Babe, are you sure you want them to come round?" He asked me as we sat together on the sofa watching Big Bang Theory. He had his arm around me whilst my neck nuzzled into his shoulder.

"Yes, I'll be fine. I've been fine all day" I smiled up at him. 

"You wasn't that good yesterday or the day before. I don't think you should drink too much tonight because you had been ill." He suggested.

"Nate, I'll be fine stop worrying." I laughed at him.

"I just care about you that's all." He said as he kissed my forehead.

"If you're that worried then I will book a doctors appointment if I am sick again." 

"Thank you." He said as he rested his head on my shoulder. 

Things had been going really good between us. We had decided to get each other something different for Christmas and I had got him such a great gift, I can't wait for him to open it tomorrow. 

"Are you looking forward to Christmas tomorrow?" Nate asked. 

"Yes, I get to spend it with you." 

"That's what I'm looking forward to the most, I just hope you are better." 

"I will." I assured him. 

We spent most of the day cleaning around the house, Nate did most of it as he didn't want me to feel even worse. Scarlett, Mark, Dan and Amy turned up around six.

"How are you feeling now Summer?" Scarlett asked me as I opened the bottle of wine she had brought round. 

"A lot better thank you, Nate has been so worried and I've only been sick. It's not as if I'm dying but he is such a good boyfriend." I told her as I poured her a glass of wine. 

"Are you not having any?" 

"No I will when I get back from picking up the chinese food." I said as I gave Amy a glass as well. 

"So I heard you met Nate's parents not long ago." Amy brought up.

"Yes I did, not the best introduction was it Nate." I blushed whilst Nate laughed. 

"What happened?" Dan joined in with the conversation.

"Well Summer wanted to have sex in my room even though I told her no and my mum walked in." Nate laughed even more.

"That's not what happened!" I protested. "We got carried away kissing and his mum walked in." Everyone burst out laughing.

"Then Summer came back from the toilets with tissue stuck to her foot." Nate carried on embarrassing me. 

"His mother must think you're a bit of a slut." Amy smirked.

"I hope she doesn't." I said as I sat down next to Nate. 

"She wouldn't be the only one though." Amy smirked even more as she was trying to get me to react back to her. 

"Let people think what they want." I shrugged.

"You didn't really help yourself though, considering you jumped in bed with Nate after hours of knowing him." Amy carried on.

"Amy you know that's not true. It's Christmas Eve don't ruin the night, so stop being a stuck up snob just because you're jealous that Summer has Nate." Scarlett said angrily to her. I gave Scarlett a grateful smile and Amy remained quiet. 

"Right I better go get that food." I said as I stood up but Nate grabbed my hand. 

"I'll come with you, don't want you going out by yourself when you're not well." He said as he went to get up. 

"No it's fine, I will be fifteen minutes at the most, stop worrying about me." I laughed as I gave him a quick peck on the lips. I grabbed my keys, purse and coat and walked to the door with Nate following behind me. 

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" He asked again. 

"I'll be fine, just don't let Amy try anything on you." I teased as I opened the door. 

"See you in a bit." He shouted as I made my way down to the car. Once I got in I turned the heating up to full blast and put the radio on, I turned the ignition on and drove away. 

I was halfway to the chinese when I begun to feel lightheaded, the sickness feeling had come back. I felt as though I was going to throw up. My head was hurting, I tried to carry on driving but I felt like I was going to pass out, I tried to pull over but I didn't see the car that came straight at me. 

Hello! Sorry I haven't posted in so long but I have been so busy with sixth form life. I am going to try and update more if people are still reading it..., comment, vote and follow me. Nice bit of drama there for you guys:) 

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