Chapter 18 - As long as I have you then I'm happy

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Once we returned home from the hospital Nate put me into bed and that's where reality hit me. Within one year I had been engaged, left at the altar, lost my home, got into a new relationship, got hit by a car, killed my own child. The reality of this hit me and I broke down crying, I threw the pillow beside me across the room accidently smashing a photoframe in the process. I held my head in my hands whilst I poured my heart out with my tears. This wasn't suppose to happen to me. I was never suppose to be pregnant in the first place, there was no chance! I've broken Nate into pieces and it's all my fault. 

The sound of Nate opening the door and rushing over to me knocked me out of my thoughts. 

"Summer stop!" He ordered. 

"It's all my fault! Everything is my fault!" I cried as I gripped onto him as if my life depended on it. 

"Nothing is your fault! It was an accident! Please calm down baby" He begged.

"How could I have been pregnant?" I choked out as I found it hard to breath.

"There have been a few times where we haven't used a condom Summer, that is probably the reason." He replied as he ran his thumb up and down my arm trying to soothe me. 

"No Nate, I'm not ever suppose to have children! That's what they told me." I began to cry again.

"What do you mean? Who told you that?" He asked confused.

"The doctors, I thought I was pregnant once before because I was a month late on my period so I went to the doctors and took a test which came back negative. I told them that I was a month late on my period and they did some tests to make sure I defiantly wasn't pregnant. The results came back that I had an ovulation problem which meant that the chances of me getting pregnant were unlikely and pretty much impossible. So how could I have got pregnant? And what if I can never get pregnant again then I ruined our only chance of having a baby!" I cried out. 

"Baby calm down, I love you for you and if you can't get pregnant then I will still love you. What happened was not your fault and maybe you will get pregnant again. I'm in no rush for you to get pregnant again and when we do want a child and you cannot get pregnant then we will look into IVF or adoption. As long as I have you then I'm happy." Nate assured me. 

"i love you so much" I told him as I weakly smiled at him. 

We had decided that it was best if told our parents what happened so we invited both mine and Nate's parents round for dinner. Since I could hardly walk, Nate cooked a nice roast chicken. I had not even told my parents about the accident so I was dreading their reaction to both news. My dad would be caring but my mother on the other hand would not even care about my well being. 

Around six Nate's parents knocked on the door. I got up to get it but Nate told me to sit back down. 

"Mum, Dad." He said as he invited them inside. 

"What happened to your girlfriend?" His dad asked as he looked at me. 

"Her name is Summer dad, she was in a car accident, I'm just so lucky she is alive." Nate replied as he came and sat down beside me, kissing me on the cheek. His parents took a seat on the other sofa. 

"You should learn to be careful my dear." His mother told me as she gave me a blank expression, probably still hating me because of what happened in Nate's bedroom the time I was round there. 

"Can I get you anything to drink?" I asked. 

"Two glasses of white wine." She replied.

"I'll get it Summer." Nate told me as he quickly got up, leaving me in an awkward room with his parents. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2015 ⏰

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