Chapter Two

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(Your Pov)

When you broke through the treeline, one could say you were overwhelmed. Not only because of the bright sun setting fire to the field before you, but because of all the smells. Sickening fumes of burnt gas filled your nose, as you could feel the ground beneath your feet tremble slightly. In an instant something whizzed past, catching you off guard. It made the worst sound, its horrific smell causing you to cough. But that wasn't the end of it.

More and more of these things came, ranging in all shapes and sizes. They couldn't be animals, although it was difficult deciphering what they could be instead. Metal buffalo? Shiny deer?

The gravel path these metallic beasts rode on never shifted, seeming to almost be a single cut of solid rock. But at closer inspection, you realised it was actually made of thousands of small pebbles, rolled over in a dark mud.

Once the initial shock from the change wore off, you could finally start to figure out where you were. Your pack would come looking for your no doubt- but who's to say what else will as well. Humans were monsters, and not to be trusted. Though unluckily- they ruled most of the world.

Where could you go? Staying in the forest would be most likely the last choice you ever made, yet staying here didn't seem all too different. You had to get far away very quickly. But how? Luckily, you had a full month to figure out your situation before the next full moon. Now there was something worrisome. Ever since your announcement of Alpha, your wolf had grown much wilder. Sometimes it was as if you could barely define your thoughts from impulses- even shifting automatically during intense emotions.

"Hey!" A voice shouted, as one of those beasts slowed to a stop before you. "Ya' need a ride?" Inside of this beast was a man, his eyes glancing down at you with kindness. He reminded you of the great elders in your pack- more specifically your grandfather. Now, he had been a kind and wise wolf, who always knew to look out for those in need of help.

Perhaps this man was the same?

"Sure. Where are you going?" You ask, eyeing him carefully. He smelled of fresh apples and pine wood, only to accompany his scent of truth.

This... was a good person.

"New York City. Ever been?" He asked.

"No." New York City? Surely that could have enough supplies for you during this... 'trip'. "Is it far?"

"About an hour's drive. I can give you a ride, if you'd like." He smiled. "I'm John. What's your name?"

You thought for a moment. While your scents would most definitely alert any werewolves to your trail, keeping your name might give you away as well. Humans were known for finding individuals by the smallest of clues. You doubted the thought your pack would take such measures to find you again, but why take the chance? Let alone, if their kind still hunted yours.

"I'm Hannah" You finally said, coming up with a backstory as you went along. "Hannah Packwood." Eva's last name, one of the more common ones you know of.

"Well, Hannah. It's nice to meet you." He opened the other door, as you hopped in the truck. It slowly started moving, shaking and rattling in fits of violence. You held onto the edge of your seat for dear life. The world outside passed by in a blur, and you could only barely keep calm. "Never been in a truck before?"

"No." you replied, staring out your side window. The world continued in this muddle of color, though everything inside the truck remained still.

"Huh." Was all he replied with, one hand on what seemed to be steering this contraption. It was just a wheel. How could a simple, fragile wheel be controlling all of this?

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