Chapter Seventeen

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(Your Pov)

After stopping by a buffet for a few hours of shoving food in your face, the team finally made it back to the tower. The sun was setting yet again, the day near over. The team planned for a simple night in, perhaps a movie or game night. Something that would let them rest from searching for wolves all day.

Unfortunately, Shield had other ideas. "Where the hell did you go?" Fury's voice called over the living room, as the Avengers exited the elevator. The team stopped mid-step, looking about one another to decide who would be sacrificed. 

Natasha volunteered, "We went out."

"Where? Because I'd like to know what was so much more important to the Avengers than being mission-ready." Wow. This was Fury? He's an asshole.

The Avengers had been speaking to him and Shield occasionally during your preparation for last night, but nothing more than a 'fix your own problems' lecture. From both sides. The Avengers were quite pissed that Shield allowed your information to be leaked, and Shield had no resources to help them with tonight. Not that they asked the organization for help; the Avengers could function well enough on their own.

"We were catering to the needs of a teammate, Nick. And we were perfectly mission-ready in doing so." Natasha put her hands on her hips, defending the team. No one else would dare defy her, not even Shield. "And you? Is Shield secure now?"

"At our best given the circumstances." Fury sighed, looking over the ragtag group of heroes. Deciding to get to the point of his visit. "I'm here to approve of Miss L/N joining the Avengers." The team piped up at this news, "Under select conditions."

"Conditions like what?" You glared at the intruder, trying to remain civil during this confrontation. Your Alpha had returned to normal levels after the full-moon, but that didn't mean you would back down from a fight. And it seemed like Fury had come to the tower to do just that.

"Consider this your trial period. You will work with the Avengers, remain in this tower, and take part in training just as any member would. I also need a demonstration of your powers sent to me by this time next week or nothing will be permanent." Fury rambled on his restrictions, before moving into the rules you had to follow. Why were there so many? Why did Shield have to be notified anytime you left the tower unsupervised? It seemed more and more like house-arrest instead of joining a super-hero team.

Thankfully, the Avengers sensed how he was overwhelming you in this process. "You know what? Thank you, Fury, for coming all the way out here to deliver this news yourself, but I think we got this." Tony stepped forward, ushering the Director out. "Send us a 'how to become an Avenger for dummies' book. We'll talk later." He smiled his perfect camera smile, as Fury bent to his request amused. Annoyed, but amused nonetheless. As if this is what he had wanted. He walked toward the elevator, sparing a glare toward you and Loki. 

What is with that guy?

"Thanks, Tony." You breathe a sigh of relief once he's out of the tower, heading for the couches.

Stark shrugged. "He gets on my nerves."

"He's not wrong, though." Steve said, drawing the attention of the others. "We haven't seen what you can do yet. An evaluation might be helpful."

An evaluation? Of werewolf powers? Oh sure, no way this could go wrong. Nonetheless you agree, saving your energy to argue another day. The team split up after that interruption, deciding on an early night for all.


"Don't worry, little Y/N. Nothing will go wrong." A voice comforted, as you sat among your pack all those years ago. You were still young, perhaps just a few months after your Alpha reveal. The dreamscape bled with every word, "Trust us."

"I think my mom should be here." Your mouth moved to the words, as if this was a memory. But you didn't remember this. "My wolf likes her. Just in case-"

"You wouldn't want there to be any accidents, would you?" The voice continued, "It's just a test. You'll be fine." A small cup was forced into your hands, an unidentifiable liquid within it. Dark and swirly, like a storm waiting to explode within you.

You brought it to your lips, then back down again. "I really don't think..."

"Y/N?" You jump up in bed, snapping at the one next to you. Finding Loki there in place of any intruders, enemies, or forgotten abusers. What the hell was that dream?

But once she realised Loki was not a threat, your wolf calmed. Apparently, she had deemed it unsafe enough to force your forms to change. Whether because of Loki's intrusion or your dream, you couldn't tell. "Are you alright?"

You bob your head, glancing around the room. Your room. There was nothing unsafe about your room, and your wolf should recognise Loki's scent by now. There was nothing inherently wrong about this.

You touch your nose against his hand, finding a telepathic connection trying to open. Strange, that's never happened when you were in wolf form before. Though you supposed it made enough sense, the skin to skin contact should bring it forth. 'It was just a dream.' You test the magic, as Loki looked over surprised.

'It works in this form as well?' He asked, using his other hand to pet your back. It was calming, and you took refuge in his touch.

'Apparently.' You huff in real life, laying down more comfortably. With your nose still touching the back of his hand. 'It does make for easier conversation.'

'This would have been quite helpful before.' Loki smiled, 'Did you change forms in your sleep?'

You looked up at your mate, in that curious but tired way that dogs do. 'Yes, but I don't usually. My wolf must've been really freaked out.' You try to gage her feelings for a moment, finding her closed off. Typical. Why would you need to know how the wild side of your brain felt? 'Thanks for checking on me.'

'Of course, love. I'm always here for you.'

(A/N: Sorry for the filler chapter... Next chapter is extra long and dramatized! Thanks for reading!)

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