Chapter Twenty-Four

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(Loki's Pov)

"What do you mean, she ran off?"

"Wasn't someone watching her?"

"Why didn't you go with her?"

Natasha sighed as the team bombarded her with questions. "She didn't want any followers."

She... who? Loki approached the team, after finishing his part in the fight. He had finally found someone who seemed to be at the head of this operation, trying his best to interrogate them. The battle was over, but the questions were long from it. How did they find the werewolves? Y/N said she didn't know the individuals, but if the Avengers nor Shield could find their origin, how could they?

Or had the pack gone to them?

So Loki had tried his best to find out what little he could, until the commander chomped down on a pill of poison, making his mouth foam and eyes bulge.

A coward's way to die.

"What happened?" Loki left the battlefield of bodies, appearing at the team's side. They turned to him concerned.

"Do you mean she's not with you?" Natasha ran a hand down her face, stressing over whether or not Y/N was now considered missing. She was a werewolf. Surely she could handle herself.

Loki glanced around the team, realizing the topic at hand. "No."

"Here I thought my wolf tracking days were over." Tony grumbled, throwing back his head. Stopping as something caught his eye. "Oh Hallelujah. You're back..."

Tony's expression fell as he looked upon the injured wolf trudging back from wherever she had disappeared to. No doubt to face down those wolves, and Loki only wished she had waited until he could join her. Then maybe... maybe things wouldn't have turned out so bad.

The team watched carefully as she limped closer, freezing only a moment before running to her side. But she flinched at their sudden movements, snapping at the hands that welcomed her.

It wasn't Y/N that made her way back to the team. It was her wolf.

"Woah! Furball, relax. It's just us!" Tony stepped back, the others following suit. No one wanted to catch lycanthropy, nor risk it. "What happened to you?"

But she snarled at the billionaire, trying to move around the group. Loki had rushed forward as well, two seconds away from throwing caution to the wind and revealing their connection. Clint had seen the effects of being soulmates, but shrugged such things off as magic.

Not soulmates. 

"Stark, calm down." Natasha said slowly, moving away from the Alpha to clear a path. "It's her wolf."

At least one of the Avengers had common sense. Loki couldn't say as much for the others, who still tried to convince her wolf side to let them closer. They wanted to help, just as Loki struggled to contain himself. He wanted to rush to her side and heal her wounds, wash away her worries with a wave of his hand.

But her wolf didn't trust him. He would only scare her if he did so now.

But that didn't stop Y/N from approaching him. Wary eyes monitoring his every movement. The Avengers watched the situation, surprised that she had chosen him. She stopped when he sat down, and only continued when he held out an open hand.

Did she remember the night of the full moon? Loki reviewed the last time he had met her wolf, as scared as she was. He had a feeling she wouldn't have come back if not for her injuries demanding attention. She acted with the Avengers as terrified as she had with him, cowering from their mere presence. She didn't want to be here, yet she was heading straight for him.

Why? The prince wanted her to feel comfortable in his presence, knowing that he would never dare harm her.

Y/N approached Loki, with a slightly guilty expression. Bypassing his hand to curl up in his lap. Settling to carefully avoid pressure on her leg.

"Loki, what-" Steve started, quickly silenced with a glare. She was trusting him. He wasn't about to let anyone ruin it. Her wolf set her nose against his hand, licking the back of it. Opening the connection only long enough to whisper one word.



Even just one word made his heart swell. She did trust him. 

Her eyes closed, and Loki felt her body relax as she passed out. He placed a hand on her side, healing what he could as soon as possible. He didn't know what happened. And Loki was hurt that she hadn't taken an ally to this fight. But he wouldn't abandon her in her hour of need.

"Brother?" Thor asked, as Loki finished sealing the cuts on her face. Werewolves could heal on their own, sure, but he couldn't bear seeing her in pain.

Loki didn't stop his task, working up to the bite in her leg. "What?" He spared Thor only a glance, as he sealed the wound.

"Is she okay?" Natasha bent down by her side, running a hand over the wolf's head. Blood stained her mouth and paws, clips of fur caught where she had injured her opponent.

"She will be." Loki muttered in response, as the mark stopped bleeding. It may leave a scar, but she wouldn't die. He picked up the wolf, set on carrying her back. When the Avengers asked what on Earth he was trying to accomplish, he blamed his actions on being the only one to be able to carry her comfortably.

Even though she was unconscious. And a wolf. And such things as comfort were really at the bottom of their priorities at the moment.

That didn't stop Loki from carrying for her the entire way back.

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