Chapter Fourteen

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(Avengers' Pov)

What... happened? With the living room as a murder scene, two teammates missing, and the footage being uncooperative, the Avengers could only base hopes on stupidly small assumptions. Obviously these bastards had come seeking to capture Y/N, but for what purpose, or what extent... the others had no idea. Witnesses only claimed to see the agents enter, the fight so high up barely anyone could make out what really happened.

It wasn't until the next day- hours of searching later- that Tony managed to unravel the mess of Jarvis's systems. "I'm in!" He called.

The team was there in seconds. "Play it." Steve said, watching closely.

Y/N and Loki appeared on screen, just moments after the Avengers left. No audio accompanied it, to the team's frustration. But still, they watched. And watched, and watched- laughing lightly when Y/N sat on Loki's lap.

And then the couple stood. Obviously sensing something, only seconds before the windows broke. What followed- couldn't be described in words. Absolute slaughtering of the others. It was interesting how Loki stayed down a moment, obviously listening to something she had said. Before deciding better of it, each of them fighting on a different side of the room.

Then Y/N fell to her knees. "How- what happened?" Clint asked. "Rewind it."

So Tony did. Playing back the footage slowly, until Natasha spotted the small dot hurtling through the air toward the werewolf. "There. Dart." She tapped the screen, the video continuing on. Loki... saved you.

Thor never thought such emotion could come from his brother. The others mistook it for nothing but rage, though he knew otherwise. He's seen Loki's rage first hand. This emotion... it was the wrath of someone fighting for only another. In this case, Loki fighting only for Y/N's survival. Even when she passed out in his arms, the pain from the drugs turned her back to human form.

Then they disappeared.

"Damn." Bruce muttered, Steve never bothering to mutter 'language'. Curse words flowing through his own mind as well, no doubt. "That's..." There were no words.

"Something I never want to relive." The team whirled around to face the intruder, finding an anxious Loki standing amidst the chaos. Shimmering in his illusion form. "I do suppose it's safe now?"

"Brother!" Thor called, rushing to greet the trickster. Loki stepped out of the way, before Thor broke his spell. "Are you alright? Where did you take Lady Y/N?" He bombarded the prince with questions, as Loki didn't even blink an eye. As magical copies were, the creation of whatever the caster wanted them to be.

"We are safe." He reassured, answering only half the question. "Is the tower?"

"Defenses are back online. And we finally got the bodies out of the living room." Stark joked, easing the tension. "But seriously, where did you even-"

Before the billionaire finished his sentence, Loki's illusion shimmered away.

"Why does he always do that?" Tony grumbled, thinking Loki would simply disappear again. For who knows how long, holding their wolf hostage.

The team never expected Loki to suddenly appear with Y/N in his arms, flashing the others a tired smile. They froze. "I don't suppose someone knows how to treat silver poisoning?"


(Your Pov)

Ugh- That... was terrible. Make a reminder to never touch silver again.

"Mnh-" The sound echoes around the room, the only hint to your awakening. Besides your breath hitching in your chest, suddenly aware of being awake. Eyes following open soon after.

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