Chapter Nine

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(Your Pov)

That was not supposed to happen.

When Loki said he wanted to meet with you, you had a thousand replies appear in your mind. Most of which would have been perfect to decline his wish to see you again. You simply couldn't take the risk of shifting. He would hate to know he's bound to a monster.

Yet, when you saw his desperate expression, you could do nothing but aid the words that formed.

Tonight. You'd find Loki, and explain what the hell is going on.

But you couldn't. You couldn't trust you would not shift forms- in fact, it was guaranteed you would. And trying to explain the circumstances with canine teeth and floppy tongue would do no good. For either of you.

So what other option was there? To tell him the truth? Lie it all out for Loki to pick apart? You doubted if he wouldn't tell the Avengers of your condition. The wolf one, or soulmates. He didn't seem like the kind of person to inform others of his condition, but how could you know? You can still count the words exchanged between you.

A growl escapes your lips, as you trot around your room anxiously. Alpha waves dripping from your every breath. Why couldn't your life be easier? A... normal beta, perhaps. With a soulmate who knew the reasons behind the need to cuddle, and adhere to werewolf traditions?

Like the full moon. Though you had asked the Avengers for a day off, you doubt they would allow such a thing. A murderer leaving their tower? Why would they ever agree? But it would be a danger to everyone here if you stayed.

With a couple weeks left, you shrug off the worry. You had days to make that decision. Rather with Loki, mere hours.

Damn it. Why couldn't this be simple? You knew absolutely nothing about Asgardians. How to even predict what his reaction might be to the truth. If you did tell him.

A knock on your door draws your attention back from your thoughts. "Y/N?" Natasha calls, "Are you okay?"

No, not really. Not to a point she could see you. But with the handle turning, you find few other options. Well, only one.

You quickly dive under the bed, crawling until all four limbs can no longer be seen from the outside. You hear the door open, her scent spreading around your room. Around your territory.

Any real Alpha would stand up and claim back the space. Your Alpha instincts fought against your mind for this reason. You should order her out, instead of cowering under your bed.

"Fine. Be that way." Natasha mumbles, before leaving your bedroom. Allowing you to release a breath of relief you didn't know you were holding. You exit your bed, balancing on hind legs as you manage to clumsily lock the door.

A realization locking itself in place as you do so. You'd never be able to escape the truth with Loki. Not for long. Eventually someone- whether Loki, or those wondering why you always suddenly leave- will catch a slip up. They'll look farther than an unlocked door. Or want to stop and talk in the hallway instead.

Besides, it was wrong to keep the truth from your soulmate. You wouldn't want him keeping any secrets from you.


(Loki's Pov)

Tonight. Hours and hours of waiting, and then this endless game would be over. The spell would be broken.

Or, Loki desperately hoped it would be. He didn't know how much more of this constant obsession he could handle.

When the sun set, Loki found himself drifting back to his room, still waiting for when she would show. He had checked the hallway they met in before a dozen times, Y/N never there. Not that he expected her to be, but sitting around idly was worse than the slight disappointment from her leave.

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