Chapter Thirteen

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(Loki's Pov)

It took quite a while for him to fight against Y/N's command. To even convince himself to fight was a chore. It was a strange sensation, a part of him wanting to bend to her every will. But once Loki broke the spell, he jumped into the battle with blazing speed. The attackers drop like flies, as the midgardian saying goes.

The battle starts to lean in their favor. Between an enraged werewolf and furious god, they stood no chance.

Until a new puff sound echoes around the room, Y/N's latest opponent being hurtled across the room toward the shooter. But she wasn't fast enough.

No one was fast enough, as the dart embedded itself in her back, her strangled cry the only indicator of whatever might be of its contents. As the wolf drew itself back into her body, Y/N dropping to the ground seconds later.

No. Shit- no. "Y/N!" Loki called, ending the fights on his side of the battle with one desperate flick of magic.

She didn't respond. Y/N barely moved when one of the agents grabbed her roughly, strapping a dog muzzle onto her face. Another cry breaking out when metallic cuffs were placed on her wrists as well.

Silver. So that's what they were using. Damn midgardians and their need for torture.

In a flair of magic, Loki incapitates the small remainder of agents before they can escape. Catching the wolfling before she hit the ground, tearing at the cuffs to remove them.

They couldn't stay here. Not in the chaos, with no doubt more of these enemies on the way. Why did they want Y/N in the first place? Why not any one of the others, anyone else on this pitiful planet?

The cuffs finally drop off of her, Loki not bothering to pick them up before collecting his soulmate in his arms, teleporting the duo to one of the only other places he knew was safe. Already shielded and guarded with more spells he would be able to manage now. Without the staff's infinite power, Loki could only thank his past muddled mind for even remembering to create these small places of safety to retreat to.

Y/N whimpered against his shoulder, tearing his mind from the past. "It's okay, love. We're safe." He set her on the bed, taking off the muzzle those horrible people had put on her. It took a moment, for it was designed not to be removed by anyone else than her captors.

With her restraints off, Loki laid Y/N down on the bed, as a realization suddenly arose. He had absolutely no idea how to heal a werewolf from silver poisoning. He knew enough to treat the burn wounds, quickly doing what he could or knew to do. But when Y/N didn't wake- as expected- Loki found it difficult to resign himself to waiting.

But he couldn't do anything else. Not until she woke up, giving advice and solutions that would actually work.

Loki just... had to wait.


(Avengers' Pov)

"Sir~" A voice hissed on Stark's phone, as the Avengers flew toward their mission.

"Yea, J?" Tony asked, already bored on the trip. Why did Shield have to issue a mission so far away? As much as Stark bothered Fury on this, it was always the same answer. The 'I do what I want' answer.

"It's- Y/N-" His voice cut in and out, something that should not be happening to the AI. "Intruder alert-"

"What!" Tony shouted, instantly drawing the attention of the others. "How many?"

"What is it?" Steve asked, as Stark ignored him to hear Jarvis's answer.

The amount of time quiet was concerning. "I do not know, sir."

"We've got bogeys at the tower." The Iron man suit formed around him in a moment, as Tony prepared to fly off. He turned to the others. "Call Fury, I'm not making it to the mission."

"Don't you think we all should go?" Steve stood, glaring at the Tin can.

"Do you really want to have the Avengers forfeit a mission? Just because my systems are messed up?" Stark scoffed, lowering the back door to fly off. "Jarvis, ETA?"

"Ten minutes, sir."

"Let's make it five." That was the last the Avengers heard, as Iron man disappeared over the clouds. Steve turned to Natasha, who had already dialed up Shield's boss.

"Romanoff. This is unexpected." Fury said, his face appearing to face a jet full of Avengers. "What's the occasion?"

"Stark can't make it to the mission." She didn't supply any reasoning, suspicions rising. Who would attack the tower? Waiting until the full of the Avengers were gone? The only people who knew of either the mission, or those left at the tower now, was Shield.

Fury glowered. "What mission?"

What mission? But hadn't he-

Oh shit.

"Correction, sir." Natasha snapped, spinning the jet around. "None of us are making it to the mission. The tower is under attack."

Fury's eyebrows rose. If it wasn't for the eyepatch, he might have looked menacing. "Permission granted. Protect your charges, Avengers." He was talking about Y/N and Loki. To be at the tower when someone attacked... the team could only imagine what they're going through.

"Copy." Natasha ended the call, turning to the concerned faces of the others. They all had the same thought.

Shield was compromised. And worse yet, the team had walked right into their trap.


(Tony's Pov)

Tony approached the tower, speeding as fast as his suit could fly. Every second mattered in these fights. He tried to comfort the worries he held, reassurances like 'she's a werewolf' and 'he's a god' appearing in his mind. Surely they could handle themselves. Setting aside whatever their relationship status was, neither would let the other get hurt bad enough. Surely not.

But when he saw the broken windows, Tony almost thought otherwise. The window display of dead bodies only furthered that concern, as the billionaire landed in what remained of the living room.

"Jarvis, scan for life." Tony said, looking around the room. Stepping over what remained of Shield agents. Well, that's what their armor matched. Whether or not they were in disguise...

Which is how Iron man came to the realisation that Shield had been compromised. The mission was probably as phony as these cheap costumes, lined with silver-

Ah, shit. At least he knew their target. "No life, sir. Miss L/N and Rock of Ages are missing." Tony would have laughed at Jarvis's use of the nickname, if not for the overwhelming sense of worry crushing down on him. "There is evidence to your left, sir." Tony followed Jarvis's sight, finding silver cuffs lying on the floor. Clipped together, before being torn apart.

Maybe the couple was alright.

Even when the Avengers arrive to survey the scene, the team held onto this hope. Until the genius could unravel the mess left of the tower's surveillance, reviewing the footage of what happened.

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